The Science of Movement The history is witness for the fact that whenever there is a movement, there is a change in the society. If awareness campaigns could work, no one would smoke after seeing the warning message “Smoking is injurious to health”. Road accident deaths are increasing inspite of awareness campaigns, that means there is a need of the movement. Implementation of knowledge is power not the knowledge itself. Spraying water on leaves will not make a plant fruitful, for that the water has to be supplied to the roots. Spraying knowledge on superfacial level will not become fruitful, for that the knowledge has to be supplied to the inner intelligence. If we spray more and more water on the leaves, the water will reach the roots of the plant. But if the same joke is told more than twice then people feel bored and if the same joke is told 4 to 5 times then people will start protesting. Everyone possesses road safety knowledge, but lacks the implementation of it. The reason for this is that they have not supplied the knowledge to their inner intelligence at all, but have kept it only at their superfacial level. It is the time to implement the knowledge. It is easy to change yourself in place of changing the world. We all have to form a group of 10 members and practice implementing knpwledge. We are divided and because of this reason our 500 of our fellow road users are dying and 1100 of our fellow road users are getting disabled in road accidents everyday in India. Hence the name and style of the action implementation movement emerged as Amal Bharat Andolan. Kaliyuga Ki Mahabharat - The Great Battle with Oneself. Dwapara Yuga Mahabharat - The Great Battle with loved ones. Call for Solidarity. All for one and one for all. United we win and divided we fall. It is easy to hide our own mistakes by passing the bucks. No more passing the bucks, time for action. The responsibility equals accountability equals ownership, so take responsibility.. Good Works should be implimented immediately. We all claim that I am an experienced road user and others are responsible for road accident deaths, and road accident deaths are increasing. Let's change the script and let's all say together, I need to learn more to upgrade my road safety skills. Amal Bharat Andolan Begins to address A2Z aspects of road safety by involving all road users and leaving no one behind. We are in the process of building a team of revolutionary superheroes and heroes. History is made by those who break the cage of their comforts. cage. Ligends becomes history and History becomes legends. To supplement the Government's initiatives, the Amal Bharat Andolan begins to bring new era of sustainable safe road travel for all by 2030 in India. The slogan of the Amal Bharat Andolan is UPGRADE. The Frame Work of the Amal Bharat Andolan. Didactic Course & Workout workshops of Super Special Pedagogy - SSP of Road Safey UPGRADE TO THE NEXT LEVEL Global Community is engaged in finding the solution for behavior change of road users and running public awareness campaign. Government of India has also made a request to work on the behavior change and mindset of road users to reduce road accident deaths. The present behaviour of road users is the result of the seeds that were sown in the garden of mind years ago. If behavior change can be done through awareness campaigns then seeing the warning message of "Smoking is harmful to health, no one will smoke. When solving a problem dig roots instead of plucking leaves. New leaves will grow in place of the plucked leaves. Organizing awarness campaigns is like plucking leaves from a tree. Science says if desired results is not achieved, upgrade the quality of seeds, process and soil. Mother India Care has discovered the root cause for behavior change, and designed a world's first revolutionary solution for sustainable safe road travel for all. Didactic Course and Workout Workshops - DCWW of its Super Special Pedagogy - SSP of Road Safety. The SSP of Road Safety is a confluence of science and spirituality and upgraded version of seeds, process and soil for mind gardening. The DCWW is having a regular updating and upgrading support to establish desired stable behavior in road safety. We are addressing A2Z aspects of road safety and prepared a comprehensive report on National Road Safety and implementing it in phases. We are taking all road users to next level of road safety, leaving no one behind. Just as pure vegetarians never violate dietary rules in the pursuit of instant and gratification, similarly DCWW practitioners never violate road traffic rules out of the urge of urgency and gratification. Everyone wants to end this daily road carnage but that is the result of a process that everyone must follow. For your road safety everyone should sacrifice their comfort and convenience & upgrade. If you dont sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes sacrifice. यदि आप जो चाहते हैं उसके लिए बलिदान नहीं देते, तो जो आप चाहते हैं वह बलिदान बन जाता है। Everyday in India around 500 road users are dying and around 1100 road users are getting disabled due to road accidents because they havn't sacrificed their comfort and convenience to upgrade themselves to next level of road safety. The SSP of Road Safety is constituted by the team of professionals headed by Dr. Jyotsna Singh. Congratulations to the team of psychologists and spiritual masters at Mother India Care for this unique innovation which is the result of years of dedication and hard work and which is very effective source for achieving a sustainable safe road travel for all across the world. In the picture given below you can see a girl sitting on a wheel chair, who has become disabled in a road accident, and narrating her story. We are releasing the National Road Safety Atlas wherein the impact report of all keystakeholders and also the impact report of MIC on road safety activities and initiaves will be Showcased., Whole world is running after comfort, the cage of comforts is a nice place to relax, but nothing grows there. We have to come out from our cage of comforts for a reason. Mission: Upgrade every road user to next level of road safety., leaving no one behind. Vision: 100% Sustainable Safe Road Travel for all by 2030 in India On 26th Nov 2024 we are celebrating 75th Constitution Day and our 10th Foundation Day thru MIC Grandeur at Bangalore. Mother India Care is giving a call for solidarity the way we united to conquer pandemic, we have to be united in place of divided. MIC begins Amal Bharat Andolan to upgrade every road users to a next level of road safety. Good works should be done immediately - Join Amal Bharat Andolan as a revolutionary member of the movement. Nomination open for Ratan - E - Vatan Puraskaar. Click here to submit your nomination
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