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Adopt Road Safety Oath

Vatan Ka Heera - Dare

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Of Blessings & Money
The Best seed to
Thrive in 2022

Amal Bharat Andolan


Introspect & become
A Genius Road User &
Join Introspectors Group

National Road Safety Atlas

Going Green

We Support United Nations
Paris Agreement

Cognitive Skill Test

Kaun Banega Supergenius

Runners Club India

Rally 2 Rule

All India & Wold rally 

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....

Sustainable Road Safety Center

Beat Drug Menance

Road Safety Academy

Action & Prevention


National Dare of Mother India Care

Gimba Therapy

National Road Safety IA

Behavioral Emission Test

WBH Index

 Monthly Themes & Activities of Amal Bharat Andolan 

It takes two hands to clap and two parties to collide. We are equally responsible for prevention and provocation of road accidents. If we failed to prevent road accidents that means we are provoking. Either we leave the problem or solve the problem, but we should not live with the problem. if we can not leave the problem then we must solve the problem at all costs.

The curriculum in schools and universities changes every 10 years and all the professionals keep updating themselves with the advanced version of knowledge and curriculum. Doctors also update their knowledge and always give prescriptions based on updated knowledge and not on outdated knowledge. The research show that the current road safety education has become ineffective and road users need an updated version of effective education in road safety.

Mother India Care - MIC has designed an enhanced version of road safety knowledge and curriculum and named it Super Special Pedagogy SSP for Road Safety.  The pedagogy has been carefully constituted using positive evolutionary psychology terms and is a blend of science and spirituality. MIC is providing this advanced knowledge to road users and ensuring that they have acquired it 100% completely. MIC is providing toolsets assets for a desired stable mindset in road safety. We have adopted 3C formula (commitmnet-consistency-concentration) to establich desired behavior in road safety.

MIC has launched the Amal Bharat Movement to put into practice this SSP of road safety by involving all road users and leaving no one behind. Road users are practicing road safety knowledge together in groups to become super expert in road safety. Every expert was once a beginner, so embrace the journey. The below activities will carry out on weekly/monthly basis one by one during the movement till we achieve Vision 100. The golden rules of super special pedagogy of road safety  are mentioned under and all road users are bound to practice and follow.

1.  Practice self-talk for better road safety by making all the golden rules of road safety.

2. Practice 3C formula (commitment-Consistency-Concentration) as the most important part of road journey.

3. Practice paying cognitive attention while on roads 

4. Practice cognitive activity for advance prevention of accidents through hazards perception

5.  Practice slowing down the speed of your vehicle after seeing yellow traffic light light,

6.  Practice giving other road users advance notice and extra indication that you wish to stop or turn.

7. Practice starting early, commute Safely and reach ahead of time.

8. Practice stopping the vehicle on the roadside to use mobile phone or gps system.

9. Practice observing extreme discipline for Road Traffic Lanes

10. Practice using public transport at least once in week by car owners

11. Practice forming citizen India clubs locally (register with Citizen India Club) and take civic responsibility of civic amenities to carry out civic works.

12. Practice identifying Road Traffic Risk & Raise Demand to Fix.

13. Practice respecting fellow road users and saying sorry first to maintain sobriety and harmony on the roads.

14. Practice giving respect to fellow road users.

15. Practice taking responsibility - Accountability - Ownership of your actions on roads what your are doing and what you are not doing.

16. Practice giving way to the person coming from the right side of the road while entering to the main road from a link road. 

17.  Practice taking a U-turn by taking into consideration the vehicle coming from your left and the safe distance between you two. 

18. Practice reviewing road journey daily in the night and accept the errors, do the error corrections and compensate them

19. Undergo Road Users Audit (Assessment & Ranking)

20.  Practice wearing shoes while riding. 

21.  Practice using zebra crossing to cross the roads

22. Practice accepting your misatkes instead of blaming.

23.  Practice driving under speed limits.

24.  Practice staying indoors and staying still until you get back to normal state until you get back to normal state, when you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs and sleeplessness.

25. Practice loading vehicles under allowed load limits.

26. Practice referring road sign chart regularly.

27.  Practice 2 minutes deep breathing, before, during and after every road trip.

28.  Practice giving pause more often to check your thoughts 

29.  Practice planning your road travel route in advance. 

30.  Practice frequently checking objects behind through mirrors.

31.  Practice crossing the road with your full responsibility and without taking the risk of an accident.

32. Practice considering mistakes of fellow road users as mistakes in place of deliberate attempt.

33. Practice ensuring safe passage before moving backwards

34. Practice stopping, listening and assuming safety and choose to cross only straight road while walking

35. Practice making sure you only blow your horn in an emergency.

36. Practice giving respect to ambulance siren and giving way to ambulance 

37.  Practice paying fine to traffic police if convicted of any offence and obtain the receipt of the fine paid.

38.  Practice extending and or ensuring help to road accident victims.

39.  Practice maintaining a record of driver or delivery boy and make phone calls to them when they complete their commuting for their safety.

40.  Practice giving right of way to pedestrians and bicyclists. 

41.  Practice going by walk or bicycle for short distance travel to make daily essential purchases.

42.  Practice involving atleast 10 members to upgrade road safety knowledge and also to discuss and motivate them.

43.  Practice wearing safety seatbelts in front and back seats.

44.  Practice wearing helmets while riding.

45.  Practice using reflective tape or stickers to increase visibility at night.

46.  Practice giving grace to fellow road users on seeing their mistakes.

47.  Practice preferring delayed gratification instead of instant gratification which is to achieve vision 100% safe road travel for all by 2030 in India.

48. Practice preferring self-discipline mode always on.

49. Practice prefering self-improvement mode always on .

50. Practice readiness to receive upgrade advice from Mother India Care.

51. Practice making habit of gratitude.

52. Practice to use factory fitted silencer.

53. Practice driving / riding in right weather conditions.

54. Practice giving task to your mind to focus on road surface, road signs and movements of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians

55. Practice maintaining a road worthy vehicle.

56. Practice vehicle driving or riding after obtaining the licence.

57. Practice keeping your teenage children away from driving and riding vehicle.

58.  Practice Keeping yourself away from getting involved in any violent acts where mobs of people take law into their own hands and often torture and kill or try to kill someone without any trial.

59. Practice capturing video clips of violators of road traffic rules. 

60.  Practice finding your fault in case of any accident.

61.  Practice finding commonality rather than disparity among fellow road users, aiming for 100% sustainable safe road travel for all in India by 2030.    

62.   Practice preferring conscious and cautious in place of comfort and convenience when on roads.

63.  Prefer being change what you want to see in the world.

64.  Practice preferring safety over risk taking.

65.  Practice being in present by taking 2 minutes deep breathing regularly when on roads.

66. Practice observing seeds that you are sowing in the garden of your mind.

67. Practice slowing down at unmanned traffic signals or non-functioning traffic signals and proceed safely.  

68.  Practice crossing the road at zebra crossing after ensuring the green traffic signal.

69. Practice being alert and observing the driver when you are a passenger. 

70. Practice presenting the dare of inner mastery to your acquaintances.

71. Practice the you first, instead of the I first concept on the roads as a gesture of socializing with fellow road users.

Any time you can upgrade plan to DCWW Practice to become super expert in road safety.

Habit formation of Gratitude Prayer followed by the monthly activities one by one


A. Action & Prevention Game

B. Road Safety Blindfold Games

C. Wisdom of Road Safety - Games

D. Kaun Banega Supergenius - Road Safety Quiz online

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