A 1.1: The Entrepreneurs Peer Group - EPG members are involved in self-empowerment thru building their individual Conscious Community Connections CCC which are integrated to common smart goal of 360 degree reversal to road accident deaths in India by 2030. The CCC are very useful assets for the career success either career job or entrepreneurship and monthly income source upto 2 years and after 2 years the passive income for the life time. A 1.2: EPG members are mainly responsible for selling 5F Matrix subscription to road users. This is the most empowering source for them to rule negativity through conscious shift. By selling subscriptions to road users, EPG members are building their own conscious community connections, which is the powerful source that empowers each EPG member. The 5F Matrix is a basic subscription (Rs. 100/- only) and the road users can purchase and upgrade with the additional subscription and are recurring annually. The individual EPG member target is selling 10 K subscription in a span of up to 2 years on part time or full time basis. Monthly payout are released as individual performance in addition to the team performance share equally divided among all members. A 1.3: At time where money doesn't work the accumulated blessings will work in your life and that is called miracle. You are planting a 10 K magic tree of blessings and money to earn blessings and money, and the diamond dare is given to collect 10K blessings and feel the sense of contribution to nation This is the distinctive feature of the EPG that sets you apart from all other jobs. A 1.4: The individual who want to be a Warrior of Nation & Diamond of Nation are welcome to join Mother India Care. Earn GWRC certificate of CCC, earn Vatan Ka Heera Trophy of honour, earn 10K Magic Tree of Blessings & Money and earn passive income for your lifetime and also enjoy the life of Green World. For more info on joining parameters please click below B - EPG Joining Parameters & Clickable Links B-1.1 Organization B-1.2 Plan B-1.3 Product & Pricing B-1.4 Payouts B-1.4 Competitors B-1.5 FAQs B-1.6 Training B-1.7 Burnup Matrix B-1.8 Commitment Matrix B-1.9 Pitchnote for Joining B-1.10 Pitchnote for Road Users B-2.1 Reprogramming Assessment B-2.2 Support Request Form B-2.3 Apply for Joining |