96% of road accidents are caused by human behavioral errors and most of them occur from behind. Various scientists around the world have stated that road users will make mistakes, so we must make the necessary changes in the outer world that contribute to these errors. It takes two hands to clap and two parties to collide. We are equally responsible for prevention and provocation of road accidents. If we failed to prevent road accidents that means we are provoking. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Remember when the disaster strikes, time for preparation is passed
All road users claim they are well experienced and they know everything, and blame others for road accidents which has become a big problem. Either we leave the problem or solve the problem, but we should not live with the problem. if we cannot leave the problem then we must solve the problem at all costs.
Not all road users have acquired road safety skills, lack of this half knowledge is filled with the mind guided learning, whereas the mind always encourage us to do easy things instead of right things. Road users have considered the mind guided learning as their own intelligence, correct and final and this finality is proving to be fatal as everyday around 500 people are dying and 1100 are getting disabled everyday in India.
Self-taught person is a poor teacher and a worst student. If expert learning is not required then schools and colleges also not required. Mind guided learning is inefficient memory and we consider it as our intelligence. Expert guided learning is efficient memory and considered as intelligence. We should replace the inefficient memory with efficient memory thru expert guidance.
The curriculum in schools and universities changes every 10 years and all the professionals keep updating themselves with the advanced version of knowledge otherwise it keeps decreasing as the time passes. Doctors also update their knowledge and always give prescriptions based on updated knowledge and not on outdated knowledge. But road users haven’t updated & upgraded their road safety knowledge. The biggest enemy of half knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowing everything or complete knowledge acquired from half knowledge. The research show that the current road safety education has become ineffective & road users need an updated version of effective education in road safety.
All road users want to end daily road carnage but tat is the result of a process which no one want to do. Expecting updated outcome based on outdated input is madness. If you stop updating yourself you become outdated. If you stop upgrading yourself you will be downgraded. Always remember there is no automatic button to update ourselves, we have to do it manually.
Spraying water on leaves a plant will not become fruitful unless the water is supplied into to the roots of the plant. Spraying knowledge on the superficial level, knowledge will not become fruitful unless the knowledge is supplied into the inner intelligence.
Water can reach to the roots of the plant by spraying more water on leaves. But If someone tells us words of wisdom for thrice, we feel okay but when the repetition is increased beyond thrice our boredom start increasing and we stop listening or raise objection to stop repeating. If the computer memory is full, transferring any data files will not be possible. We will need to delete old files in order to make space.
People in misery or happiness don’t understand words of wisdom, they understand in the neutral state of mind. Vision without action is illusion and action without vision is confusion. Life will change only when you are committed to your effort more than your comfort. If you think efforts are useless, try being weaker by staying in comfort zone. Comfort produces weakness & being weak is useless & finally you will fall into the trap of crutches. When solving a problem dig roots instead of plucking leaves from a tree.
Science says, if the desired result is not achieved, upgrade the quality of seeds, process and soil. The team of spiritual scientists have after a tireless efforts and research has prepared Super Special Pedagogy on road safety. Positive evolutionary psychology and combined power are used in this pedagogy which is an advanced version of road safety education & its process. This is the world's first revolutionary solution to fix the root cause of behavioral errors & establish the desired stable behavior.
The researchers and spiritual scientists at MIC confirm that “we can use our intellect to use our mind to use our brain to change our mind for the better” & science proved it. We can understand our inner mechanism and identify the hidden skills in us and activate them to prevent such mistakes and complied a super special pedagogy to do so. that integrates the mechanism of the deeper inner world and the outer world
MIC prepared a comprehensive report on national road safety in the form of a Decade of Action Plan that addresses A2Z aspects of road safety & proposes various reforms, recommendations & implementations, which integrates science & spirituality
The decade of action plan has been inaugurated by Hon'ble Lokayukta of Karnataka Justice BS Patil through our special ceremonial event. We have designed 21 assets of the DOAP Toolkit, which we are developing and rolling out in a phased & timely manner. MIC is the only organization in the world promoting inner mastery in road safety apart from outer mastery and soon the world will follow it.
1- MIC Decade of Action Plan 2030 ( Implementation – Recommendation)
1.1. Road Safety Oath – Oath of commitment to nation (formerly called road safety pledge) & issuance of road user registration - RUR IDs, involving all road users, leaving no one behind by 26.11.26.
1.2. Didactic Course & Workout Workshops - DCWW practice in groups of 10 members for advanced inner mastery in road safety thru super special pedagogy, A master in the inner world can easily become a master in the outer world & called Master of self-control in an out-of-control world.
1.3. Performance Audit for all A. Road Users Audit & Road Users Ranking Profile (pedestrian & drivers. B. Road Infra & Road Rating C. Vehicles Audit D. Road Journey Audit (Identify road traffic risk & raise demand to fix), E. Road Traffic Management Audit F. Post Crash Care Audit.
1.4. Advanced monitoring system – web-based tools for corrections, prevention, and concentration (controlling thoughts while on roads a unique in the world).
1.5. Advocating for less use of honking to maintain restraint and harmony with fellow road user, greater use of public transport and also walking and cycling to purchase daily essentials, wearing shoes while riding, extreme self-discipline & lane discipline. .
1.6. Road Safety Wisdom Games, Road safety Blindfold Games, Road Safety Action & Prevention Game, Road Safety Quiz Contest, Rewards & recognition program.
1.7. National Road Safety Atlas - Showcasing the road safety activities and impact of All Key Stakeholders
1.8. Road Safety News & economical support to crash victims
1.9. Production of Road Safety Documentaries, movies, video games & magazine.
1.10. Road safety reminder stickers, reflective band, tape & advanced Road Safety Kit
1.11. Rally to Rule – Bike & car rally (nationwide and worldwide)
1.12. Setting up a Wall of remembrance for road traffic victims
1.13 International driving license & international road safety training for visiting country.
1.14. Grace marks to DCWW certificate holders to students in academics.
1.15. Grace marks to DCWW certificate holders to individuals in IELTS test 1.13. 1.16. Road Safety Care - Mobile App with various features and SOS callouts for emergency assistance (including thoughts controlling - unique in the world).
1.17. One Lakh employment opportunity integrated to achieve Vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all by 2030 in India, and Insurance service - Affordable for all.
1.18. Setting up manufacturing unit to manufacture crutches, artificial arms & legs.
1.19. Chain of Disaster Relief Centers (formerly called Accident Relief Centers) across India with air ambulance, & ambulance drone, SOS callouts services and robotic traffic brigade to assist traffic police on the road and fleet of public bus service.
1.20. Dedicated Satellite with hi-tech telescopic cameras for video imaging to monitor real time movement of pedestrians & vehicles, with the facility to record on request.
1.21. Advocating for the Habit of Gratitude and offering road safety prayers
2- Recommendations to Government
2.1. Remove negative affirmative words in the road safety awareness campaigns (don’t drink and drive, don’t jump red signals) use of don’t, no and not words and instead use positive affirmative words.
2.2. Road users ranking should be made mandatory for all road users (pedestrians, passengers $ drivers),
2.3. Provisional & momentarily safe passage for Ambulance with the existing infrastructure by doing small modification in road traffic lights - when ambulance is coming, yellow plus green lights both should glow & public will be educated to be on the left side of the road till the ambulance is passes
2.4. Mandatory for the drivers to hold and wave a piece of red cloth in their hand to give advance signal to the drivers coming behind while stopping the vehicle. While stopping the vehicle, it is mandatory for the drivers to keep a red cloth in their hand and wave it to give advance signal to the drivers coming behind.
2.5. Implement a new Tax collection from car owners, when the car is moving on the road with alone driver or single passenger, cars take up more space on roads.
2.6. Lockdown for youth from time to time
2.7. Improvement standard of public transport
2.8. Provision for moveable dividers on busy roads
2.9. Speedy repair of pothole
2.10. Provision for moveable dividers on busy roads
3 - Recommendation to Educational Institutions
3.1. Grace mark facilities to DCWW practitioner students
3.2. Promote road safety oath - Oath of Commitment to nation & road users registration
3.3. Promote Didactic Course & Workout workshops for inner world mastery in road safety, for students, teachers & parents.
3.4. Promote Road Safety Wisdom games, Road Safety Blindfold Game, and road safety action & prevention game in your organization
3.5. Promote road safety quiz contest
3.6. Register your road safety activities and impact.
4 - Recommendation to Embassies
4.1. Include Road Safety Proficiency - RSP Ranking in the hiring policy.
4.2. Register your road safety activities and impact.
4.3 Grace mark to DCWW practitioner in IELTS test
5 - Recommendation to Corporate
5.1. Promote road safety oath - Oath of Commitment to nation & road users registration
5.2. Promote Didactic Course & Workout workshops for inner mastery in road safety
5.3. Include Road Safety Proficiency - RSP Ranking profile in the hiring policy.
5.4. Adopt-A-Km (Road Stretch Maintenance including use of reflective tapes to increase night visibility. (For corporate and road safety clubs)
5.5. Register your road safety activities and impact.5
6 Recommendation to religious organizations
6.1. Promote road safety oath - Oath of Commitment and road users registration
6.2. Promote Didactic Course & Workout workshops for inner mastery in road safety.
6.3 . Register your road safety activities and impact.
6.4. Offer prayer for Vision 100% sustainable safe road travel for all by 2030 in India
7 - Recommendation to sports organizations
7.1. Promote road safety oath - Oath of Commitment to nation & road users registration
7.2. Promote Didactic Course & Workout workshops for inner mastery in road safety
7.3. Register your road safety activities and impact.
8 - Recommendation to financial organizations
8.1. Promote road safety oath - Oath of Commitment and road users registration
8.2. Promote Didactic Course & Workout workshops for inner world mastery in students, teachers & parents.
8.3. Register your road safety activities and impact.
9 - Recommendation to Transport Unions
9.1. Promote road safety oath - Oath of Commitment and road users registration 9.2. Promote Didactic Course & Workout workshops for inner world mastery in drivers. 9.3. Replace “Sound Horn Ok’’ written on the back of the vehicles with “Keep Distance”. 9.4. Register your road safety activities and impact.
10 - Recommendation to Media Organizations
10.1. Promote road safety oath - Oath of Commitment and road users registration 10.2. Promote Didactic Course & Workout workshops for inner world mastery in drivers. 10.3. Register your road safety activities and impact.
11 - Recommendations for public
11.1. Adopt road safety oath - Oath of Commitment and road users registration
11.2. Adopt Didactic Course & Workout workshops for inner world mastery in road safety and encourage fellow citizens & become a first class & loyal citizens of Bharat.
11.3. Practice following golden rules of super special pedagogy of road Safety
11.4. Formation of Road safety clubs (locally) residential & commercial fostering a culture of conscious community and encouraging citizens to get involve in nation building activities.
11.5. Mob lynching is illegal keep yourself away from such incidents.
11.6. Maintain harmony, sobriety & respect fellow road users as we all are sharing common space – common roads. 11.7 Join Amal Bharat Andolan for inner mastery in road safety & also to take responsibility of your actions instead of victimity.
On 26.11.24 we are commemorating our 10th foundation day & 75th constitution day thru MIC Grandeur, celebrating a decade of proud history with our associates & supporters. On 26.11.26 we will be celebrating a dozen reasons for a dozen years celebration and will be conducting lucky dip fairly & on camera by selecting the RUR IDs numbers issued to road users & first prize is Rs. 1 crore cash, 2nd is a Car, & 3rd is a bike.
We will be obtaining necessary approvals from the Central Government and State Governments from time to time and wherever applicable. We provide inner mastery thru National Institution of Road Safety, art of road safety & road safety academy. We have created 1 Lakh employment opportunities and impart them 3 Super Master Skills of Billionaires integrated to achieve our goal of Vision 100. – learn and earn.
Call for Action - Adopt advanced inner mastery in road safety, instead of adopting accidental suicide, artificial limbs & crutches. We have started Amal Bharat Andolan on road safety & the slogan of the movement is “Do good work immediately, Do it Now, Do it right now”. Thank You.
Copy of the Welcome Letter From Ministry of Transport & Highways - Govt. of India Copy of the Circular Issued By Education Department - Govt. of Karnataka Copy of the Request Letter Commissioner for Transport & Road Safety - Government of Karnataka Copy of recommendation letter issued By Hon'ble Governor of Maharashtra