ERC Doctor on Call Mother India Care is having a brand name Emergency Rescue Club - ERC which is having the most innovative & digitally powered platform providing SOS 24/7 emergency care services nationwide through our toll free number 1800 1212 247 and through a mobile app for doctors and general public in case of medical emergency.
Our ERC doctors network is having all Qualified Doctors (Physicians, Dentists, Orthopedists, Family Practitioners, Internists, Pediatricians, Ophthalmologists, Dermatologists, Podiatrists, Chiropractors, Cardiologists, Obstetricians, OB/GYN, Neurologists, Radiologists, Proctologists) and expecting more specialists to join our ERC Doctors Family.
Our Doctors network will offers services to overseas travelers, house-bould patients, and many others who are in need of a doctor. Our doctor network offers the opportunity to earn extra money without any sign up fees or any additional paperwork. Doctors can control their own scheduling and have the freedom to accept or decline any request from us. All you need is to join us, then let the Emergency Rescue Club be your virtual office and start attending / making SOS - house calls in your spare time. Thousands of doctors are enjoying the benefits of our ERC doctors Network.
We are increasing our network and collaboration for the Pan India Project Emergency Rescue Club and it will have win win situation for all. Please ............click here to join our ERC Doctors Network |