Drug abuse is a designed use of a drug in which the user devours the substance in sums or with strategies which are unsafe to themselves or others. Drug abuse is corroding the main foundations and pillars of society and prompting child abuse and in addition sexual and domestic violence.
In India Drug-dependence is a noteworthy social issue in parts of India like Maharashtra, North East, Karnataka, Goa, Haryana and Punjab. The way that India is in closeness to the Golden Crescent (Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan), and in addition the Golden Triangle (Myanmar, Laos and Thailand) makes it helpless against drugs trafficking.
What began off as easygoing use among an infinitesimal populace of high-income group youth in the metro has pervaded to all segments of society? Brown Sugar, Cocaine, Cannabis, heroin, and Indian-produced pharmaceutical drugs are the most frequently abused drugs in India. Liquor and tobacco are the most common substance used across India. The pharmaceutical items containing opiate drugs are additionally progressively being manhandled. The codeine-based hack syrups keep on being redirected from the local market for abuse.
Reasons for Drug abuse The incidence of drug abuse among youngsters and teenagers is higher than the all inclusive community. This is strikingly on the grounds that adolescent is a period for experimentation and character shaping. Changing social qualities, expanding financial pressure are some different reasons prompting commencement into drugs use.
One of the significant reason behind drug abuse is it's glorification in prominent media, for example, TV Serials and movies. Frequently it so happens that taking drugs is romanticized and some anecdotal positive parts of the same are appeared.
The process of industrialization, urbanization and relocation has prompted releasing of the customary techniques for social control rendering an individual powerless against the burdens and strains of present life.
At an extremely basic level this happens in light of the fact that the individual concerned feels a urgent need to manage stress, to get a momentary high or to simply 'fit in' with his or her associates, as occurs on account of adolescents. It soon reaches a stage where this need turns out to be considerably more than different needs throughout everyday life and the individual starts to trust their survival relies upon those drugs.
Impact of Drugs abuse Drug abuse prompts physical, mental, good and scholarly rot. This implies wastage of economic capability of young generation.
Drug addiction causes tremendous human distress. Frequency of eve-teasing, aggregate conflicts, attack and murders increase with drug abuse.
Illegal distribution and appropriation of drugs have brought forth wrongdoing and savagery around the world.
Increase in incidences of HIV, hepatitis B and C and tuberculosis because of habit includes the repository of disease in the network troubling the healthcare services & framework further.
Ladies in India confront more noteworthy issues from drug abuse. The results incorporate domestic violence and infection with HIV, and in addition the financial burden.
Solution to drug abuse Society based Solutions: Prevention programs including elements, for example, families, schools and the prompt networks are imperative in such manner. Media – particularly the entertainment segment – additionally needs to comprehend its part in this unique situation, glorification of drug use ought to totally stop. Role of NGO's is likewise vital to battle this threat.
Legal Measures: The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, were enacted with stringent arrangements to curb this threat. The Act conceives a base term of 10 years detainment extendable to 20 years and fine of Rs. 1 lakh extendable up to Rs. 2 lakhs for the guilty parties. The Act has been additionally changed by making arrangements for the relinquishment of properties got from unlawful drugs trafficking. Be that as it may, successful usage and time bound legal process are the need of great importance.
International effort: India lies between two noteworthy drugs delivering zones on the planet i.e. Brilliant Crescent (Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan) and Golden Triangle (Myanmar, Thailand, & Laos). So as to prevent supply of drugs from these territories International coordination is vital. We have to adequately utilize SAARC and ASEAN stage for joint composed activity against drugs trafficking. Additionally, India likewise is signatory to the accompanying bargains and traditions N. Tradition on Narcotic Drugs ( 1961), U.N. Tradition on Psychotropic Substances (1971), U.N. Tradition Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1988), Transnational Crime Convention (2000). June 26 is praised as International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking each year. It is an activity embraced by the world network to sharpen the general population as a rule and the young specifically, to the hazard of drugs.
Reward & Recognition: Mother India Care has initiated a nationwide reward and recognition programs & activities and conferring award / prize to all those who are extending their support and contribution to end this menace from the society. The informers of drug traders, drug sellers, drug dealers & drug suppliers, will be rewarded suitably. The names and identity of the informer will be maintained as complete confidential.
We Support Unied Nations Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem.
Road Map to Beat Drug Menace
Drug De-Addiction Matrix - DDAM New law on Compulsory pre-commitment Use of Space Technology Psychological Counseling and yoga session Medical Treatment Support Sign a pledge Crime Reporter Online Prizes and Awards Mother India Care Initiatve - Beat Drug Menace (Online and offline pledge signing campaign) Event: International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking - 26th June 2024 - ROOH - E - JASHN
Additional Commissioner of Police - Bangalore ( Signing Beat Drug Menace Pledge during anti-drugs rally on 22 sep 2018 in Bangalore) Chief Functionary of Mother India Care is obtaining the signature on pledge book |