After completion of education every person should do the ground work and make his/her connection in the local area which is a super social energy. Lack of this super social energy is a common reason for failure of fresher and startups. Many institutions are offering theoretical course to build your connections, but people are not able to mobilize contacts. No one is providing practical course to build your own connections.
Understanding the need of the hour, Mother India Care is the first organization in the world and offering this practical course of 100 days wherein we promote noble projects and activities in our workshop to garner connections which is a super social energy. Make things possible this season at Mother India Care. At Mother India Care the intern are getting entrepreneurship offer with 3 super master skills as mentioned below:
A: Super Social Energy (connections count), B: Super Resilience Energy (Positive Psychology Resilience Count PPRC ) C: Super Concentration Energy ( Thoughts Transition Per Hour Count TPHC )
With these 3 Super Master Skills you become super genius personality while learning and working in your area, in addition to your monthly earning. We are empowering individuals and creating super genius personality with super social energy in 100 days. By doing so you are making opportunities to search for you in place of you searching for opportunities. Sounds well ......?
Americans invest on human capital for their life time and for this reasons they are advanced in technology and we follow them. We must invest on human capital.
Improve 1self 1% everyday, be 100% better in 100 days. Having read the above information and wish to Become a Super Genius Personality in 100 Days and the location is anywhere in India, You will get monthly stipend and the selected applicants will be intimated and they should pay Rs. 1000/- as registration fee. Upon the registration internship offer letter will be provided and the ID card will be sent to your registered address. if it has caught your attention then you can apply for an internship using the below online application. Read the question carefully and answer the questions within 40 minutes. Once you started entering your details the countdown for 30 minutes will be started.
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