Mobile ARC - OT-ICU-Lab Mother India Care is going to introduce chain of Mobile ARC (OT-ICU-Lab) a national project, mainly for accident prone area, disaster relief and also as a temporary extension to existing hospitals and medical facility. Due to geographical complications, it is often impractical and uneconomical to construct hospitals in many remote locations. Needless to say, the Mobile ARC with the operating theatre, ICU and medical lab is of great use to provide medical treatment.
For economical reasons, more and more Mobile ARCs (OT - ICU - Lab) will be designed and will be equipped with the state of the art medical equipments to save lives more faster and to cater to many existing hospitals, or can be transported to any crises ridden locations such as natural disaster or human induced disaster and also epidemic hazards.
We are expecting a support from our network hospitals, and also giving an open call and appeal to all individuals and corporate to come forward and contribute for this hitech venture to provide medical treatment and OT services to all those most needy patients at various remote and crises ridden locations. To contribute for this project ....... please click here