Super Expert Challenge
National Institute of Road Safety - NIRS is promoted by Mother India Care and providing road safety skill to road users through super special therapy called as GIBMA Therapy. The Uniqueness of the super special therapy is this that the user of this therapy will become the strict follower of road traffic rules the way pure vegetarian follows the dietary rules. Road safety awarenss education was provided but road safety skill was not provided to road users. As a result the road users started learning the road safety skill through the mind guided learning. Expert guided learning is prosperous and mind guided learning is disastrous. Self-taught person is a poor teacher and a worst student. Road users can learn and become Super Expert in 6 levels Level 1 - 7 Count = Beginner - Level 2 - 21 Count = Average Level 3 - 40 Count = Skilled Level 4 - 90 Count = Specialist Level 5 - 180 Count = Expert Level 6 - 360 Count = Super Expert Remember every expert was once a beginner. If you stop updating yourself, you become outdated. If you stop upgrading yourself, you will be uninstalled. Count herein above means the number of periodic feeding of sanitized inputs to the subconscious through super special therapy during the learning process of art of road safety. Learn the art of road safety from experts. If you you want to become an expert, learn from the expert. If you want to become the best, learn from the best. Learn to commute and commute to learn. All road users are expert in daily commuting, We are throwing a super expert challenge to all users. Challenge can Change. Throw the super expert challenge to 10 road users in your network of family, relatives and friends and learn the art of road safety with a family of known people and like minded people. Uninstall addiction to road gratification else you will be uninstalled. Everyday the life of around 500 road users are being uninstalled in the form of accidental suicide which is the uninstalling by the time which is very painful. Accept the Super Expert Challenge and be a better prepper.
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