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1. After making the payment please send the screen shot by whatsapp to mobile number 7996681081 2. The registration fee is non-refundable. 3. On receipt of the registration fee the online link to introspect will be sent to you by email. 4. You will be provided road users registration RUR No. and with that you can introspect twice a year 5. You have to answer set of questions in first attempt, and then next attempt after 6 months. 6. You will be provided certificate of introspection with RUR No. 7. The certificate with RUR number will be provided to those who are completing their introspection of one time. Then 2nd time after 6 months you have to make the requisite payment for the introspection 8. The participants who are scoring below merit cut off points are advised to learn art of road safety and do the Gibma Therapy . 9. The art of road safety & Gibma Therapy can be done by making the payment of Rs. 2500/- 10. Road safety is life safety
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