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Adopt Road Safety Oath

Vatan Ka Heera - Dare

Plant A 10K Magic Tree
Of Blessings & Money
The Best seed to
Thrive in 2022

Amal Bharat Andolan


Introspect & become
A Genius Road User &
Join Introspectors Group

National Road Safety Atlas

Going Green

We Support United Nations
Paris Agreement

Cognitive Skill Test

Kaun Banega Supergenius

Runners Club India

Rally 2 Rule

All India & Wold rally 

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....

Sustainable Road Safety Center

Beat Drug Menance

Road Safety Academy

Action & Prevention


National Dare of Mother India Care

Gimba Therapy

National Road Safety IA

 Giving Club - Empowering Community 

Own Up ..!!

Are you a Donor to Society ..?

Are you a Donee to Society ..?


A nation will not survive morally and economically, when so few have so much,  while so many have so little. Every social injustice is not only cruel but it is economic waste also. Mother India Care (MIC) charity projects and campaigns have been conceived as a means to improve  weaker sections of the society amongst others charity activities. MIC is acting as a matcher between Takers & Givers, and endeavoring to mitigate environmental and social risks. We need public support for the consistency in charity activities for the sustainable solution to make a difference, becasue one can not help everyone, but everyone can help one. Charity Begins at home but should not end there. We all operate Bank Saving Account to maintain family & self. Do we operate National Charitable Care Account (NCCA) to fund and maintain Community / Society / Nation. ?  MIC is giving an open invitation to all individuals and corporate to navigate charities by opening a MIC National Charitable Saving Account - NCCA with a option to nominate your funds to a preferred cause of your choice. The minimum account opening requirement is Rs. 10000.00 and later on you can add any amount into your NCCA Fund monthly or annually as per your options. Click here open your MIC Charitable Saving Account. MIC can be seen as a "pure" charity that has not gone down the road of accepting state funding (public tax money), or recruiting a largely paid staff. MIC has not mixed its funding with the apprehension that the public would perceive a lesser need to put money into the box to help and support our charity activities. And the other issue is that if the government gives money once, there's no guarantee it will repeat it next time.


Life's most urgent question is: What are you doing for others ?


MIC is getting funding for its charity activities from volunteer donations, fundraising campaigns, specific events and membership programs. Mother India Care (MIC) promoting GIVING CLUB and expanding its membership base and networking nationwide. Philanthropy is not about money, its about feeling the pain of others and caring enough about their needs to help.  MIC is offering GIVING CLUB Membership opportunities to philanthropists individuals and corporate who are having the inclination of giving back to the society and shining their reputation.  GIVING CLUB Membership opportunities are being offered for incentivizing giving and the involvement for the charity activities. MIC extends additional and specialized engagements and involvements opportunities for invested supporters for the betterment of the society.



So, if you have received value from your co-creation with Enlightened for life, here is an opportunity to give back. Money is energy and whatever direction you send it to (to support needy & underprivileged), it raises the standard of humanity,  it creates smile on many sad faces, and it helps in sustainable growth. You can immediately start helping the cause of your choice, by becoming a GIVING CLUB Member (an initiative of Mother India Care). Every contribution we receive from members like you, small or big, goes directly into funding our charity activities. This support enables us to keep working for noble causes as we do. Contribution and givings is about giving from your heart, no matter how much you give, and giving to yourself as you give to others and to the world. So as you are about to give, take a moment to trust the flow of life. Contemplate the affirmation “Abundance is the natural state of the universe, and the source is our provider. We make, earn, manifest, receive, give, spend, flow and allow money, resources and opportunities to be our true expression.” Contribute & Feel The Zeal of Giving.


Mother India Care is a registered non-profit organization supported by GIVING CLUB Membership donations, which are qualifying for tax exemption u/s 80G.

 MIC Giving Club - Individual Membership Opportunities 

Provisional Membership Rs. 10000

Provisional members receive regular e-mail updates on group activities and involvement as volunteer in special charity program and events. The listing of name in annual report.

Click here to become a Provisional Member


Active Membership Rs. 25000

Members receive a membership card, letter and certificate suitable for framing, right to send one nomination for conferring of awards ceremony, publications and regular e-mail updates on group activities. The listing of name in special program,magazine, annual report and invitation for special event. Seal of Excellence - Badge.

Click here to become a Active Member


Associate Membership Rs. 50000

Members receive a membership card, letter and certificate suitable for framing, right to send 2 nominations for conferring of awards event, publications and regular e-mail updates on group activities and also involvement in strategic planning,  involvement in fundraising campaigns, Involvement in strategy  implementation, involvement in managing and coordination of special  development program for the cummunity. The listing of name & photograp in special program, magazine, annual report and invitation for special event. Half page space in magazine and annual report. Seal of Excellence - Badge.

Click here to become a Associate Member


Fellow Membership Rs. 100000

Members receive a membership card, letter and certificate suitable for framing, right to send 2 nomination for awards event, involvement as host in special events, publications and regular e-mail updates on group activities, and also involvement in strategic planning,  involvement in fundraising campaigns, Involvement in strategy  implementation, involvement in managing and coordination of special  development program for the cummunity. The listing of name & photograp in special program, annual report and invitation for special event. Full page space in magazine and annual report. Seal of Excellence - Badge.

Click here to become a Fellow Member


Honorary VIP Membership Rs. 250000

Members receive a membership card, letter and certificate suitable for framing, right to send 4 nomination for awards ceremony, VIP Seat sharing in special events,  publications and regular e-mail updates on group activities, and also involvement in strategic planning,  involvement in fundraising campaigns, Involvement in strategy  implementation, involvement in managing and coordination of special  development program for the cummunity. The listing of name & photograp in special program, annual report and invitation for special event. 2 pages space in magazine and annual report. Seal of Excellence - Badge.

Click here to become a Honorary VIP Member


 Corporate Membership Opportunities 

Corporate Provisional Membership Rs. 50000

Members receive a membership card, letter and certificate suitable for framing that shows your organization’s dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility towards the cause of their option. Corporate members are regularly updated by e-mail on group activities and special reports.

Click here to become a Corporate Member


Corporate Active Membership Rs. 100000

Members receive a membership card, letter and certificate suitable for framing that shows your organization’s dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility towards the cause of their option. Corporate members are regularly updated by e-mail on group activities and special reports.

Click here to become a Corporate Member


Corporate Associate Membership Rs. 250000

Members receive a membership card, letter and certificate suitable for framing that shows your organization’s dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility towards the cause of their option. Corporate members are regularly updated by e-mail on group activities and special reports.

Click here to become a Corporate Member


Corporate Fellow Membership Rs. 500000

Members receive a membership card, letter and certificate suitable for framing that shows your organization’s dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility towards the cause of their option. Corporate members are regularly updated by e-mail on group activities and special reports.

Click here to become a Corporate Member


Corporate Honorary VIP Membership Rs. 1000000

Members receive a membership card, letter and certificate suitable for framing that shows your organization’s dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility towards the cause of their option. Corporate members are regularly updated by e-mail on group activities and special reports.

Click here to become a Corporate Member

 Sponsorship & Donation Opportunities 

Corporate Sponsorships

To help educate and support the public with a various causes, Mother India Care  groups create events for raising awareness on a broad scale. These include:


Couples Meet


Conferring of Awards for leaders and heroes

Corporations interested in supporting the cause of their choice as part of their charter for community service may apply to sponsor such endeavors. To apply to be a corporate sponsor, contact the Corporate Relations Director here



A person who wants to continue to contribute to Mother India Care charity activities on a regular basis can make a monthly pledge and become a part of our organization. By making a pledge, you agree to help fund Mother India Care charity activities over a five-year period. Contact us for more information.



Click here to make a donation of any amount.

There are many ways you can help. Contact us to find out more.

For further information on how to become a member or donate to Mother India Care, click here.


Membership Donations Support:

Mother India Care Panels—advisors, leaders and activists address various charity activities for the betterment of the society.

Broad Media Campaigns—the airing of MIC promoted cause service messages and the placement of printed public service ads and also through social media.

 Apply online for GIVING CLUB Membership - Individual & Corporate 
 Individual Membership Options 
 Corporate Membership Optipns 


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    Mother India Care
    (Public Charitable Trust)

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     Collaborations with Industry leaders for a National Project to manage National Disaster