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Participate in National Wisdom Survey to Accept the National Dare of Mother India Care for GIBMA Kriya to become Ethical Mind Gardner & win Rs. 1 crore thru lucky dip
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Operation National Dare to be an Ethical Mind Gardner
A. Each day in India, over 500 families receive heart shocking messages that their loved one has passed away, while over 1000 people receive messages that their loved one is in the hospital and they must bring Rupees 5 lakh to pay for the treatment due to road accidents which is a human induced disaster. Global community is raising public awarness campaigns but failed to convert awarness into action and hence operation national dare is started by Mother India Care - for self-improvement and positive energy recharging to transform public awareness into preparedness.
B. A study reveals 97% road users are putting blame on others for daily road accident deaths and 3% are claiming they are well experienced road users and by doing so both are putting deadlock to self-improvement.We all know what is right but we don't implement those prnciple in our daily life due to lack of commitment and will power, consequently road accident deaths are increasing.
C. Road users have become habitual offenders of traffic rules, and this bad habit needed to be changed by mental practice, using GIBMA setting, a research verified process of science and spirituality which is an ultimate solution. The said GIBMA setting is the main task of the national dare, integrated to achieve 360 degree reversal to road accident deaths in India by 2030. Unless you set goals, disaster is your destination.
D. Everyone wants to put an end to this road carnage, but doing the same and expecting different result is insanity and self-deceiving. There is no challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself. With the gratiude meditation and also the brain and DNA programing let us reconditioned our mind to make road journeys safer for everyone.
For more details click on the below clickable 8 questions & get their answers one by one
Everyday 500 plus families are receiving dead bodies of their loved ones in place of their safe return and are forcing to poverty. This is a major disaster for the road accident victim as well as the family of the victim. Majority of the road users fall under 2 categories, one who blame others for road accident deaths and second who claim they are well experienced, both categories are putting a deadlock on their self-improvement by saying so and road accident deaths are increasing. Road accidents are mainly caused by drivers' negligence, but pedestrians' negligence is also a contributing factor. Human error can be rectified provided the desire to change should be stronger than the desire to remain same. We all prefer instant gratification and delayed gratification was not set.
By setting goals you can reach well planned destination, unless you set goals, disaster is your destination. Whenever goals are set, input must be provided for achieving those goals, and once input is provided, the brain will process the desired actions, and when the brain processes the desired actions, the desired output will follow automatically. Thus the Goals-Input-Brain-Action GIBMA Setting is must to get the desired output and results. Since both drivers and pedestrians ignored this GIBMA setting when they first began using public roads. The GIBMA resetting is now required to be done to produce desired output and results, GIBMA resetting is required to be done to encourage road users to prioritize delayed gratification over instant gratification.
At the time of issuance of driving license the setting of goals, input and brain should be the priority and must. When the goal is set, input is set and brain is also set then the actions will be processed in line with the set GIBMA, and the desired outcome and results are automatic. In the absence of GIBMA setting the desired results will remain a dream. The GIBMA setting is being ignored at the beginning and now it is required to be reset and hence this Operation National Dare. Doing the same and expecting different result is insanity. SI Dare is to unlocking the deadlock of self-improvement and is being presented to all road users to improve 1 self to get improved output.
The desired habit can be made through physical practice or mental practice, and if awareness campaigns for physical practice aren't working, action implementation movements for mental practice with positive affirmation based on science of psychology is the ultimate solution through the self-improvement powered with Operation National Dare.
The SI Dare aims to reset the GIBMA (Goal - input - brain - meditation-action), transforming public awareness into preparedness. GIBMA resetting, a special measures to unlock the deadlock of self-improvement and habit change in road traffic rules violation. Prudent are those who have completed the task under this dare. The inner world power is more reliable than the outer world power, strengthen your inner world power and become an inner winner.
There is no challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself. Promoting self-improvement and preventing traffic violations.
1. Majority of the road users fall under 2 categories, one who blame others for road accident deaths and second who claim they are well experienced, both categories are putting a deadlock on their self-improvement by saying so and road accident deaths are increasing. Major contributing factor for the increasing road accident deaths is the drivers fault, but pedestrians fault also a contributing factor for this human induced disaster. 2. Everyday 500 plus families in India are receiving dead bodies of their loved ones in place of their safe return and are forcing to poverty. Despite various efforts and awarness campaigns by United Nations, Local government, corporate and charities, these road accident deaths are increasing every day which is a human induced disaster. GIBMA setting is the root cause which is ignored by all and found by Mother India Care,. 3. The proper GIBMA setting is being overlooked at the time of the issuance of driving license. Obtaining a driving license is a short-term goal and limited to allowing vehicles to drive on public roads is misinterpreted with the freedom. The freedom on public roads means, as far as your self-control goes as far goes your freedom.
4. Mother India Care has constituted and adopted decade of action plan - DOAP 2021-2030 on national road safety and the DOAP Toolkit with 21 tools has been launched which covers A to Z of road safety and this self-improvement - SI Dare is the first and foremost tool of the DOAP Toolkit. 5. This SI Dare is presented to road users aimed to reset GIBMA and for their self-improvement which is integrated to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. The GIBMA rule # 1 is Goal setting. Unless you set your goals, disaster is your destination. 6. If you want to be a part of solution complete the task of this dare else you will be a part of problem. Doing same thing and expecting different thing is insanity. 7. Human-induced disasters need to be ended through special measures, such as resetting GIBMA and transforming community awareness into preparedness. 8. Take the challenge and unlock the deadlock of self-improvement by setting goals to reach well planned destination. Unless you set goals, disaster is your destination. 9. Mother India Care is giving a National Call to action and Road Safety emergency, and future changemakers team is approaching all road users arcoss India and presenting this dare as a special measure to counter the human induced disaster. The challenged road users must complete the task under this dare and throw down a challenge in their family and friends network. 10. The first level task of the dare is burn up process where in you have to write down the script on the piece of the paper and burn it. Then click on the appropriate category Student / Passenger / Driver and proceed to landing page to select the options and benefits. After selecting the desired option, complete the registration process and proceed to the second level task for resetting GIBMA. On your mark, get set and proceed to reset GIBMA. All the best.
People know what is right but they don't implement those principles into their daily life. People continue to repeat mistakes becuase they consider them to be correct. Consequently no awareness campaigns are being converted into desired action becuase of the mind conditioning. The brain and DNA programming is the need of the hour.
The year long research finding has revealed that the Goal-Input-Brain-Meditation-Action GIBMA setting is not done for all road users, consequently the brains of all road users are not giving the desired command to the body to take the desired action and to get the desired output and results. Without setting goals and without proper input to brain the actions will never produce desired results.
By accepting the National Dare you are reseting your GIBMA and unlocking the deadlock of self-improvement which is integrated to achieve the 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. For your own improvement and also for the noble goal you must accept this National Dare. Let us together make the road journeys safer for everyone.
The desired habit can be made through physical practice or mental practice, and if awareness campaigns for physical practice aren't working, action implementation movements for mental practice with positive affirmation based on science of psychology is the ultimate solution through the self-improvement - powered with Operation National Dare.
The GIBMA (Goals - Input - Brain - Action) setting is the main requirement of the road safety and which is being overlooked at the time of started using public roads which are deadlier and also at the time of issuing driving license. Obtaining a driving license is a short-term goal and limited to allowing vehicles to drive on public roads is misinterpreted with the freedom. Public roads are mistaken with public amusement park. The freedom on public roads means, as far as your self-control goes as far goes your freedom. As long as you use public roads, mastering self-control and maintaining a good ranking record is overlooked as a long-term goal. The rule no. 1 of GIBMA setting is goal setting. Unless you set your goals, disaster is your destination.
1. Goal setting - ACCISAFE
While starting using the public roads must set your long range goal of Adherence, Caution, Control, Improvement, Safety, Alert, Focus, Estimation – ACCISAFE and follow it. You have to maintain your e-profile with good ranking record until you drive or walk on public roads. Stay committed to prove your self-control in an out-of-control world until you use the deadlier roads. By pursuing goals you can reach well planned destination every day and without setting goals you will reach at unplanned destination. Unless you set your goals disaster is your destination. Over 500 road users are facing disaster as their destination. With goal setting be safer, without goal setting be sufferer. Prefer delayed gratification as it is integrated to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. Make common goal a part of your life contribute as per the individual capacity. Adhere traffic laws, be cautious to understand risky roads, traffic movement and situation, maintain mastery of self-control, prefer safety, stay alert for any unexpected incident, maintain full focus on road, maintain your road safety proficiency RSP profile in good record. The goal setting of ACCISAFE is ignored when started using public roads by pedestrians and motorists. The next rule of GIBMA is input setting to pursue setting..
2. Input setting - Positive affirmation
Input in you is the output by you. In the absence of right input, we will never get the right output. The input related to your actions, behavior and performance on road should be fed to the subconscious. At the time of distress situation how to establish the contact with inner conscience to get the right command to handle the distress situation rightly, how to handle new and different situation on road, input should be properly fed to the subconscious. All information must be fed properly and through positive affirmation. Practice gratitude prayer and start hearing the sound of cosmos and also start recognizing the message of the cosmos for your safety when you are in distress situation. The next rule of GIBMA setting is pursuing goals with brain setting.
3. Brain setting: Positive direction
Brain is act as a processor and on the basis of the input and stored information it triggers the brain neurons to release of required chemicals to our body and our body take actions accordingly. Once the brain conditioning is set, our body will take desired action, then the desired output and result is following automatically. When the brain is not set and conditioned properly then the mind will go for the instant gratification not delayed gratification. Mind is biased to negativity and human behavior always prefer freedom and instant gratification.Public roads are deadlier and never use them as public amusement park. Rather than using public roads with your out of control behavior, always use them with under control behavior. Never take risk to break the traffic laws because taking risk leads to accidental suicide, where as in all other domain it is not so. Set the mind to receive updated information and implement into action. Mind should be set to look for the traffic signal not the presence of traffic police. Mind should be set to pay traffic fine when caught on traffic violation and not to bribe. Human mind is biased to negativity so positive affirmative words should be used to set the positive mind. The next rule of GIBMA seting is pursuing goals with Meditation practice .
4. Meditation setting:
In meditation, individuals use a technique, like mindfulness, to focus their minds on a particular object or topic. In order to change any habit, we need to practice meditation and the more the meditation, the more the action, the more the focus, and the more the results. Mediation is only the source to recognize when the cosmos sends timely messages to individuals during distress situations. Practice gratitude meditation and start hearing the sound of cosmos through your invisible & inbuilt cosmic receiver. Many are able to hear the sound of cosmos through their cosmic receiver. The habit of right actions and the habit of gratitude prayer will empower you to start recognizing the message of the cosmos for your safety when you are in distress situation. The practice of meditation needs to be a habit, and to make it a habit, you need to include meditation in your daily self care routine. The gratitude meditation is the source of all abundance of life. The next rule of GIBMA setting is action taking.
5. Action Setting – Positive Preparedness
The habit of committing small mistakes becomes bigger mistakes, so we must avoid committing small mistakes when on roads. Must prefer delayed gratification. Make habit of positive and right action. One wrong action even by mistake must be compensated by increasing the gratitude prayer duration by 30 minutes every day of for 21 days to wash away the wrongful act. Even if you have paid the fine or even if your wrong act unnoticed by the traffic police but you have noticed it. Next step is with the help of above four process, maintain habit of reaching your well planned destination every day, self-appreciate and do gratitude prayer every day. The ultimate rule of GIBMA setting is transforming awareness into preparedness.
The GIBMA(Goal-Input-Brain-Meditation-Action) setting, is easy in the beginning (at the time of license issuance, or started using public roads), but later, it involves a lot of time and effort . Lack of GIBA setting is the root cause of increasing road accident deaths and this has been overlooked by global community. A solution must be prepared after considering the root cause.
The three wise monkeys are a Japanese pictorial maxim conveying the proverbial principle "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". do not align with the science of psychology and human reaction. The psychology was born in 18th century and the Japanese pictorial maxim was started in 17th century.. The road safety awareness messages such as don't drink and drive and don't jump red signals etc are negative affirmation words and negativity biased human brain prompts road users to turn upside down and road accident deaths are increasing. The science behind - When you tell someone not to do something, they are more motivated than ever to do it.
According to law of attraction and psychology the above defining of 3 wise monkeys and road safety awarenss raising messages are negative affirmation and we should change it to positive affirmation The surrounding is filled with negative energy. There is need of the hour for self-empowerment through power of positivity and conscious shift and recharge ourselves with positive energy to overpower and rule negative energy. Since negative information draws greater attention, it also may be seen as having greater validity and reality.
Understanding the need of the hour, Mother India Care has flipped the script and created 6 Wise Monkeys concept as shown in the below creative and they symbolizes the power of positivity and are conveying the message based onthe science of psychology.
Mother India Care – MIC noticed this root cause and constituted and prepared the GIBA resetting through 5F Matrix and 4P techniques which is a researched, experimented and verified process by Global Wisdom Research Center. Soon the global community will start following this ultimate solution to put an end to daily road carnage.
The desired habit can be made through physical practice or mental practice, and if awareness campaigns for physical practice aren't working, action implementation movements for mental practice with positive affirmation based on science of psychology is the ultimate solution through the self-improvement - powered with Operation National Dare. The mental practice involves goal setting, brain and DNA programming using 4P techniques.
.Many world reputed research institutions has found in the enormous research that 84% people don’t set their goals and are reaching un-designed destination, and 13% set their goals in thoughts and reaching average designed destination and 3% set their goals on paper and are reaching well-designed destination.
The common goal is set which is the 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India By 2030. The superscripted input is constituted and the below 4P techniques has been used to feed the right input to our subconscious so as to get the desired output having basic principle of IPO (input + Process = Output).
Writing Process - WP is a voyage to the inner when we write repeatedly. Write until it becomes as natural as breathing and makes you anxious when not writing.In writing, you are giving your word a thought and a thought to your word, writing exactly what you mean with clear compelling and authentic writing on Fulfiller paper until it becomes subconsciously and habitually ingrained. Every minute is a chance to change the writing of destiny. With writing you can set goals, you can make your life and majority of people do not do that and in the absence of writing they are reaching to unplanned destination. So let us change that unplanned destination to a well-planned destination and rewrite the destiny. Writing by hand is a powerful tool for learning, relaxation, creativity and connections and it offers insights, renewal and clear perspective of goals in general and a source to feed input to subconscious. So every road users must right down all the input lines provided as superscript of 5F Matrix.
Breathing Process- BP is a technique while inhaling and exhaling and also during the gap period you can feed the positive affirmation. The same positive affirmation will be very useful at the time of dire need, at the time of distress when you deep inhale you will get the connect to input, to your inner and your inner conscience gives a command to your body and your body act according. It is relevant to mention here that at the time of dire need, the messages sent by the cosmos to a cosmic receiver inside the body of human generally unable to recognize due to poor connectivity. The deep breath is the process to understand the cosmos guided messages CGM provided we establish the connection through practice. Every road user must read and recite a line of the superscript one by one by deep inhaling and during the time of holding the breath write down the complete line if you are not able to write down the complete line in one breath, you can release the breath slowly and inhale another breath and complete writing down the full line and this process must repeated to write down the complete input of 5F Matrix superscript.
Hydro Process - HP is the another process to feed input to our subconscious. The two main elements which are air and water give life to all living things on the earth. We drink water to hydrate our bodies and our intestines absorb a portion of water to circulate to our blood, lymph fluid and all our organs and excess water we discharge out. Research has found that water absorbs human thoughts, water absorbs the power of words and water also absorbs the signals / messages sent to us by the cosmos for our betterment. Water is another source that can feed right information to our brain and store it in our subconscious mind. Must keep a glass of water near you while feeding the input to brain and drink that glass of water once the process is completed. The power of the input words will be absorbed by the water and when you drink that water the power of words will also be circulated along with the water to brain and all other organs and aligning the brain and body for a necessay action.
Cosmic Process - CP is the ultimate process where in individual can do the gratitude prayer to strengthen and empower the armour of safety. The more cosmic practice is done the more understanding can be establiched to recognize the cosmic messages. At the time of distress the cosmos do sends the messages to cosmic receiver installed inside every human that guide the individual to take necessary action from time to time. Do the gratitude prayer before the sunrise for best result and preferably before the 5.30 am. During the Amrit Kaal, any gratitude prayer will have more effect and you will be able to recharge your full energy you need during the whole day and your armour of safety will be empowered to guide you and protect you. You can do the gratitude prayer through the below youtube video. Initially take a 2 minute focus dare without blinking your eyes while concentrating on the sun in the video. Must do for atleast 7 minutes daily 28 times, or you can do for 108 times in 30 minutes daily.
Global communities including United Nations are working hard to reduce road accident deaths and are trying it with various public awareness campaigns. Road users participate and attend those campaigns and do only those activities for which their brain is wired for. The root cause is the lack of right input to brain and also the lack of right conditioning of brain, which is neglected by all key stakeholders. Therefore, a solution must be prepared taking root cause into account. Soil must be made fertile and appropriate before sowing the seeds to reap the harvest, if the soil is shallow or rocky then the seed will not grow. If no seed is sown no crop to harvest. Taking risks in life is natural, and many people are adventurous and risk takers, but the accidental suicide is linked to road journey risks, not to other risks. Everyday, the situation on the road is different, escaping once or twice does not mean you will escape every time you take the risk. If no input is fed there will not be the desired output.
It is proven that brain rewiring is more effective when multiple techniques and more efforts are used, so using WP, BP, HP & CP Techniques 4P is an effective way to rewire the brain and feed the input to get the desired output and results. Mother India Care has understood the root cause and initiated signature initiative of 5F Matrix for brain rewiring and right input feeding to subconscious. The Global Wisdom Research Center has researched, experimented and verified this initiative and the process and found more effective and the best solution to end road carnage. Global community will also take note of the main flaw and follow this process as an ultimate solution.
The National Dare for self-improvement has been constituted (years study, survey & analysis of Mother India Care) based on the science of psychology and consciousness and also with the basic IPO principle (Input-Process-Output), using the 4P Techniques which is researched, experimented and verified by Global wisdom Research and is very effective solution to end road carnage. By completing the SI dare you will be able to rest GIBMA so as to get the desired output and results. The GIBMA setting was ignored at the time when the road users started using public roads. The best thing is this that with the SI Dare and during the process of GIBMA resetting you will be able to empower yourself to start recognizing the safety messages sent by the cosmos for your safety at the time of distress situation and with that you will be able to handle the distress situation on public roads. National Dare is the source of GIBMA resetting, transforming community awareness into preparedness.
Once you complete the self-improvement process under this National Dare you will be able to reset GIBMA (Goals-Input-Brain-Meditation-Action) to get the controlled output which is a must for every road users because every road users missed to set GIBMA . Self-improvement is the only journey in this world that never ends and it begins with accepting your flaws. Unlock the deadlock and be a master of Self-Control in an out of control world. A 1% of self-improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days. Self-improvement is taking a booster dose consistently. National Dare will make you the Master of Self-Control in an out of control world. Every day we all are facing new and different situations on roads which are not taught in any school or institutions. National Dare for self-improvement is a basic subsciption and it will make a strong foundation and on the strong foundation you can enhance your ability to handle different situation on roads. By resetting GIBMA you will be able to recognize the messages sent by the cosmos for your safety to handle distress situation. Stay empowered to handle the new situation with self-improvement. When you practise gratitude prayer you will strengthen your safety armour and unblock many blocked doors in your life. You throw down this dare to 10 people and when they perfrom gratitude prayer you will get the equivalent to Ashwamedha Yajna benefit from the Cosmos.
On completion of any one level under the national dare, you must apply for the RUR number (road users registration ) and also to get the certificate with the seal of Amrit Kaal National Dare Winner. we are going to conduct a lucky dip to select a RUR number and the 1st prize is Rs. 1 Crore, 2nd prize is Car, & 3rd prize is a bike. The first lucky dip will be conducted on 26th Nov 2024 and thereafter every year on 26th November.
Join the movement to end road carnage and together we will achieve the reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. Let us together make road journeys safer for everyone.
In India everyday 500 plus families are receiving dead bodies of their loved ones in place of their safe return and are forcing to poverty. This is a major disaster for the road accident victim as well as the family of the victim. Major contributing factor for the increasing road accident deaths is the drivers fault, but pedestrians fault also a contributing factor for this human induced disaster. Increasing Road accidents deaths is a global issue and United Nations, Global communities, local government, corporate and charity organizations are working relentlessly, through various awarness campaigns, but all are failed. Consequently many road safety professionals got fed up and have given up working on road safety by stating that road users are not taking actions, road users are not converting awarness intellignece into actions..
on 26 Nov 2021 mother India Care has started National Action Implementation Movement - National AIM to end road carnage through self improvement and launched 21 tools of Decade of Action Plan -DOAP toolkit
Mother India Care has recognized the root cause of this burning issue and designed and prepared an ultimate solution by taking the root cause into consideration. The root cause is setting of GIBMA (goal - input - brain-meditation-action) setting which is overlokked in the beginning and now requires more efforts to reset GIBMA in all road users. Road users will be approached to reset GIBMA through the Future Changemakers.
On 26th Nov 2022 Mother India care has started EMERGENCY a national campaign, transforming public awareness to preparedness and promoting self-improvement and preventing traffic violence, through resetting the GIBMA which can be done by subscribing 5F Matrix using the 4P techniques.