Please do not pay any money to any unauthorized person or our authorized person for getting a job at Mother India Care, we can not be held responsible for such dealing.
Adopt Road Safety Oath
Vatan Ka Heera - Dare
Plant A 10K Magic Tree
Of Blessings & Money
The Best seed to
Thrive in 2022
Amal Bharat Andolan
Introspect & become A Genius Road User& Join Introspectors Group
National Road Safety Atlas
Going Green
We Support United Nations
Paris Agreement
Cognitive Skill Test
Kaun Banega Supergenius
Runners Club India
Rally 2 Rule
All India & Wold rally
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....
Sustainable Road Safety Center
Beat Drug Menance
Road Safety Academy
Action & Prevention
National Dare of Mother India Care
Gimba Therapy
National Road Safety IA
Jai Hind - National AIM - End Road carnage - Future Change Makers Meet
jai Hind - An Overview - National AIM
National AIM - End Road Carnage
National Action Implementation Movement
Mapping the Future Thru Self-improvement
Mother India Care is going to start National Action Implementation Movement (National AIM) for self-improvement on 26th Nov 2022 at Bangalore. India rewrites destiny, mapping the future, shaping new reality. On 26th Nov 2020 Mother India Care constituted and adopted the Decade of Action Plan 2021-2030 on National Road Safety and Hon'ble Upalokyukta Justice BS Patil was the chief guest who inagurated the Adoption Ceremony. Last year the Indian Army, Karnataka Police, Shri Rajender Kumar Kataria - IAS (Principal Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka, Dept. of Transport), DCP Videsh Kumar, and Shri TR Parasuraman (Whole Time Director - Toyota Industries) along with other diginatries participated to form Human Map of India and also commemorated constitution Day & Foundation Day. During the ceremony Decade of Action Plan - DOAP Toolkit was launched to end daily road carnage. DOAP Toolkit will be a game changer & ultimate solution because its 21 Tools are covering A-Z of road safety so as to provide continuous improvement & monitoring to end road carnage and also to maintain it in the future. We are promoting our basic tool (along with other tools) self-improvement - SI Dare which is one of the key tool of 21 tools of DOAP Toolkit which is re-branded now as earlier it was launched on 26 Nov 2020 By Hon'ble Upalokayukta Justice BS Patil.
We are commemorating World Day of Remembrance, Constitution Day, Foundation Day, World Road Safety Oath Day & Recognition Day. We are recognizing the super-heroic work of road safety professional, road safety leaders, traffic police, fire department, emergency crew, ambulance driver, tipper diver lorry driver, bus driver, crane operator, tow van driver, car driver, cab driver, auto driver, good samaritans, passengers and pedestrians in this annual recognition day. We are also launching Road Safety Wisdom tool on this celebration and more tools from this DOAP Toolkit will be launched from time to time to achieve our goal within the set time frame. Together We can achieve this bigger goal. Goldwings Aviation is the event Partner for this grand event and National AIM - End Road Carnage.
We all know what is right and don't implement those principles in our daily life. We just blame others for the daily road accident deaths and by doing so we are putting a deadlock on our self-improvement.
The National Action Implementation Movement - National AIM is the signature initiative of Mother India Care to unlock the deadlock of self-improvement to achieve the Common SMART Goal of 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. Every road users must participate, join and take action in support of National AIM and show their solidarity by inspiring and connecting others and oneself. We are counting on individual actions ensuring that no one left behind.
We are well on the track and gaining the momentum towards the set Common SMART Goal which is to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. When the goal is smart, the purpose is great, there should be a smart input to achieve that goal/purpose. The global community even United States with its members countries are working on to reduce the daily road accident deaths but the smart input has been ignored by the global community. If the conventional input is not working and not giving the desired output, we must reset the GIB (Goal-Input-Brain). . Many road users are using the roads without setting GIB and in that case the output would be on their will. Consequences of at will are the increasing road accident deaths. Mother India Care has designed and constituted a special measures for resetting GIB which is prepared on the basis of science of consciousness and science of reactance (branches of science of psychology). The current input such as don't jump red signal, don't drink and drive, don't use mobile phones do not align with the science of psychology and human reaction.
In fact, during the time of the 17th century, when the Japanese concept of three wise monkeys was defined, the message of see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil did not align with psychology and human behavior because psychology didn't exist at that time, the psychology was born in 18th century. Mother India Care on the basis of science of psychology and human reaction has redesigned and redefined the concept as See only good, hear only good, speak only good, think only good, do only good and be only good, is promoting for the betterment of humanity.
It is relevant to mention here that Mother India Care has redefined the concept of wise monkeys on the basis of Lord Krishna's teaching of psychology to Yudhisthira and Duryodhyana. India skipped the teaching of lord Krishna and followed, foreign cultue and Japanese concept. We should follow the teachings of our lords, our saints and our gurus who landed in India and hence this National AIM, India rewrites destiny, mapping the future, shaping new reality, making road journeys safer for everyone. Join National AIM and develop fully not only in road safety but also in career and profession so as to make India World Super Power and make the world to follow us.. A 1% of self-improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days. Be a Master of self-control in an out of control world. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is called Insanity.
MIC is giving a National Call to All to accept self-improvement – SI Dare. Individuals must take action and accept SI Dare for self-improvement. The organizations must promote SI Dare internally and include RSP Ranking in their hiring policy. Every road users must participate, join the National AIM and show their solidarity by taking action, additional actions, inspiring and connecting others and oneself. We are counting on individual actions ensuring that no one left behind. Together we can achieve the common smart goal - CSG. We are in Amrit Kaal & the philosphy of Amrit Kaal is Improve 1 Self, A 1% improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days. All for one and one for All. United we win and divided we Fall.
Most Needed Actions For Organizations in National AIM
1. Promote SI Dare within your organization internally. (Self-improvement - SI Dare).
2. Promote SI Dare within your organization externally through sampling. (Self-improvement - SI Dare).
Additional Actions for Organizations in National AIM
3. Include Road Safety Proficiency - RSP Ranking in Hiring Policy (A Service Maintained by Mother India Care)
4. Register your profile at National Action Map, log your proposed actions, update your actions taken, make your every action count and reflect on NAM.
The above list "Better Choice" is too long and the idea is to make you all aware with the both ends of the coin. Its time to wake up and understand the law of automatic, flip the coin, chose the better option, act now, do it now. In the absence of main, the opponent comes in automatically to rule.
In the absence of good, evil comes in.
In the absence of light, darkness comes in.
In the absence of actions, laziness comes in.
In the absence of awareness, unawareness comes in.
Despite awareness raising campaigns, the daily road accident deaths are increasing because awareness is inactive.
In road transport sector the individuals non-improvement is leading to accidental suicide. We all are aware what is right but we don't implement those principles in our daily life, Awareness & consciousness is not in action and hence this National Action Implementation Movement, converting awareness into self-improvement to achieve 360 degree reversal to road accident deaths in India by 2030.When the goal is smarter, the purpose is greater, there should be a smart input to achieve the goal. Why settle with outdated input which is not working. Why not go for updated input. The global community even United Nations with its members countries are working on to reduce the daily road accident deaths but the smart input has been ignored by the global community. Very simple, if the conventional input is not giving the desired output, we must change the input to get the desired output.
Last year on 26 No we launched DOAP Toolkit to end road carnage and we are closely watching this DOAP Toolkit is on track and promoting SI Dare. Our team expansion process (enrollment of Future Changemakers) is going on across India, and they will be giving the dare to all road users, and they will also keep the vigil and silently gather the traffic violation proofs.
All forms of lives develop fully except the human because human have the choice to develop fullly or not to. 97% human develop partly and don't want to grow, they don't want to improve because of their comfort and struggle to survive for their whole life. They prefer comfort first and hardwork laters. They don't even set their goals and face the unplanned destination, face the future with apprehension But road safety is the only sector that needs continuous improvement else it will lead to accidental suicide. Consequently every day 500 plus families are receiving the dead bodies of their loved ones and are being forced into poverty due to the human induced disaster.
If you want to use the public roads, use it by resetting the GIB (Goal-Input-Brain) and self-improvement. Accept the SI Dare and reset the GIB to get a controlled output.
Doing the same thing and expecting different results is called Insanity.
If you accept your flaws and admit self-improvement is infinite, then you will go for improvement.. Self-improvement usually means doing something that we have not done before. If you always do what you have always done you will always be where you have always been. With the time, which is changing every moment, you will shrink and never be the same, so you must upgrade your grade periodically to stay current. So always strive to be better than who you were yesterday. Stop making excuses and start making actions.All road users fall in the two categories. One who claims others are responsible for road accidents, second who claims they are well experienced road users. Both categories road users are putting a deadlock to their self-improvement with their respective claim, and hence this SI Dare (Self-improvement Dare). Stop blaming others, start engaging self. A 1% of self-improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days.
Self-improvement is taking a booster dose consistently and saying BYE to your laziness and BYE means, B =Boost, Y = Your, E = Efficiency.
Self-improvement is accepting a Dare and resetting GIB to get the control output and result and also taking a booster dose consistently and saying BYE to your laziness and BYE means, B =Boost, Y = Your, E = Efficiency.
Be a Master of Self-Control in an out of control world which means an out of control road traffic. As far as goes your self-control as far goes your freedom. Freedom must not be mistaken as an out of control.
The denial to the SI Dare means you are unable to improve yourself. The denial to SI Dare is denial to the safety of the people around you. The denial to SI Dare is denial to booster dose, the Bad Road Sense - BRS Virus will infect you if you are lacking this booster dose. Denial to SI Dare is denail to setting goals to reaching a well planned destination. Denial to SI dare, disaster is your destination. You are inviting the accidental suicide and causing a danger to fellow road users.
As a pedestrian when you started using the public roads you started without setting the GIB (Goals-Input-Brain) to get the controlled output. GIB setting involves setting of long range goals to use public roads carefully, cautiously and attentively. GIB setting means you should feed proper input to your brain so that the brain should process it accordingly to get the desired output. The GIB setting means your brain should be wired and conditioned to accept the guildelines and not to violate traffic rules.
At the time of obtaining the driving license the goal setting, input setting, brain setting (GBISetting) was overlooked, only short range goal was set and long range goal was overlooked and that has also become another major cause of increasing road accident deaths.
Obtaining a license is a short-term goal and limited to allowing vehicles to drive on public roads is misinterpreted with the freedom. The freedom on public roads means, as far as your self-control goes as far goes your freedom.
No long range goal was set, which is to maintaining self-control and good ranking as long as they use the public roads and beginning it was ignored and now it has become very difficult and requires special measures.
When you are going out and using the public roads you must improve your self, If you are just sitting at home and not using roads then it is ok. Road journeys are deadlier if you say no to self-improvement, road journeys are safer if you reset GIB and embrace self-improvement and practicing consistently and persistently.
Currently, the SI Dare is a voluntary action requirement and will be made mandatory in the future. With the SI Dare you are able to rewrite destiny through conscious shifting and the feeding of right information and controlled input to the mind. Accepting the SI Dare means you are part of solution, if you are refusing to SI Dare means you are a part of problem, Choice is yours. Our Team of Future Changemakers (your fellow road users) will be gathering the proofs of out of control incidents in support to law and you will be penalized for the traffic violation. Even in the absence of traffic police, our team of Future Changemakers (your fellow road users) across India will be monitoring and gathering the proofs of road traffic violation incidents, out of control incidents, suitable penalty & punishment can give a shock to you. The road safety Future Changemakers / advisors are advising to road users. Advise is least heeded, when most needed. Advise after injury is like a medicine after death.
Click on the below link and complete the step of first process and then click on the appropriate category of road users (Student - Passenger - Driver) and go to the next step. See the option and benefits and click on the desired option and proceed to the next page and enter your details and click on the submit button and make the payment through the integrated payment gateway, or through the Google Pay or Pay TM, or you can directly transfer the funds. People who don't pay they don't pay the attention. You are the product if you choose a free product, so do not become one. If you are making payment through the payment gateway then you will get the landing page instantly and follow the steps to complete the process. If you are making the payment through google pay or direct bank transfer then you need to share the screen shot of the payment for a speedy response by our team to send you the online link to complete the process.
The SI Dare is constituted (years study, survey & analysis of Mother India Care) based on the science of psychology and consciousness and also with the basic IPO principle (Input-Process-Output), using the 4P Techniques which is researched, experimented and verified by Global wisdom Research and is very effective solution to end road carnage. By completing the SI dare you will be able to rest GIBA so as to get the desired output and results. The GIBA setting was ignored at the time when the road users started using public roads. The best thing is this that with the SI Dare and during the processof GIBA resetting you will be able to empower yourself to start recognizing the safety messages sent by the cosmos for your safety at the time of distress situation and with that you will be able to handle the distress situation on public roads.
Once you complete the SI Dare process you will be able to reset GIBA (Goals-Input-Brain-Action) to get the controlled output which is a must for every road users because every road users missed to set GIBA . Self-improvement is the only journey in this world that never ends and it begins with accepting your flaws. Unlock the deadlock and be a master of Self-Control in an out of control world. A 1% of self-improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days. Self-improvement is taking a booster dose consistently. SI Dare will make you the Master of Self-Control in an out of control world. Every day we all are facing new and different situations on roads which are not taught in any school or institutions. SI Dare is a basic subsciption and it will make a strong foundation and on the strong foundation you can enhance your ability to handle different situation on roads. By resetting GIBA you will be able to recognize the messages sent by the cosmos for your safety to handle distress situation. Stay empowered to handle the new situation with self-improvement.
Join the movement to end road carnage and together we will achieve the reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. Let us together make road journeys safer for everyone.
Jai Hind - Participate/Join National AIM through the below buttons
jai Hind - Glimpses of 26 Nov 2021 Ceremony - Chief Guest - Shri Rajender Kumar Kataria- IAS (Principal Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka - Transport Department)
Human Map of India was Formed on 26th Nov 2021 at Century Club Bangalore
The Glimpses of our Journey on road safety since 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022....
jai Hind - An Overview - National AIM
National AIM - End Road Carnage
National Action Implementation Movement
Mapping the Future Thru Self-improvement
Mother India Care is going to start National Action Implementation Movement (National AIM) for self-improvement on 26th Nov 2022 at Bangalore. India rewrites destiny, mapping the future, shaping new reality. On 26th Nov 2020 Mother India Care constituted and adopted the Decade of Action Plan 2021-2030 on National Road Safety and Hon'ble Upalokyukta Justice BS Patil was the chief guest who inagurated the Adoption Ceremony. Last year the Indian Army, Karnataka Police, Shri Rajender Kumar Kataria - IAS (Principal Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka, Dept. of Transport), DCP Videsh Kumar, and Shri TR Parasuraman (Whole Time Director - Toyota Industries) along with other diginatries participated to form Human Map of India and also commemorated constitution Day & Foundation Day. During the ceremony Decade of Action Plan - DOAP Toolkit was launched to end daily road carnage. DOAP Toolkit will be a game changer & ultimate solution because its 21 Tools are covering A-Z of road safety so as to provide continuous improvement & monitoring to end road carnage and also to maintain it in the future. We are promoting our basic tool (along with other tools) self-improvement - SI Dare which is one of the key tool of 21 tools of DOAP Toolkit which is re-branded now as earlier it was launched on 26 Nov 2020 By Hon'ble Upalokayukta Justice BS Patil.
We are commemorating World Day of Remembrance, Constitution Day, Foundation Day, World Road Safety Oath Day & Recognition Day. We are recognizing the super-heroic work of road safety professional, road safety leaders, traffic police, fire department, emergency crew, ambulance driver, tipper diver lorry driver, bus driver, crane operator, tow van driver, car driver, cab driver, auto driver, good samaritans, passengers and pedestrians in this annual recognition day. We are also launching Road Safety Wisdom tool on this celebration and more tools from this DOAP Toolkit will be launched from time to time to achieve our goal within the set time frame. Together We can achieve this bigger goal. Goldwings Aviation is the event Partner for this grand event and National AIM - End Road Carnage.
We all know what is right and don't implement those principles in our daily life. We just blame others for the daily road accident deaths and by doing so we are putting a deadlock on our self-improvement.
The National Action Implementation Movement - National AIM is the signature initiative of Mother India Care to unlock the deadlock of self-improvement to achieve the Common SMART Goal of 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. Every road users must participate, join and take action in support of National AIM and show their solidarity by inspiring and connecting others and oneself. We are counting on individual actions ensuring that no one left behind.
We are well on the track and gaining the momentum towards the set Common SMART Goal which is to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. When the goal is smart, the purpose is great, there should be a smart input to achieve that goal/purpose. The global community even United States with its members countries are working on to reduce the daily road accident deaths but the smart input has been ignored by the global community. If the conventional input is not working and not giving the desired output, we must reset the GIB (Goal-Input-Brain). . Many road users are using the roads without setting GIB and in that case the output would be on their will. Consequences of at will are the increasing road accident deaths. Mother India Care has designed and constituted a special measures for resetting GIB which is prepared on the basis of science of consciousness and science of reactance (branches of science of psychology). The current input such as don't jump red signal, don't drink and drive, don't use mobile phones do not align with the science of psychology and human reaction.
In fact, during the time of the 17th century, when the Japanese concept of three wise monkeys was defined, the message of see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil did not align with psychology and human behavior because psychology didn't exist at that time, the psychology was born in 18th century. Mother India Care on the basis of science of psychology and human reaction has redesigned and redefined the concept as See only good, hear only good, speak only good, think only good, do only good and be only good, is promoting for the betterment of humanity.
It is relevant to mention here that Mother India Care has redefined the concept of wise monkeys on the basis of Lord Krishna's teaching of psychology to Yudhisthira and Duryodhyana. India skipped the teaching of lord Krishna and followed, foreign cultue and Japanese concept. We should follow the teachings of our lords, our saints and our gurus who landed in India and hence this National AIM, India rewrites destiny, mapping the future, shaping new reality, making road journeys safer for everyone. Join National AIM and develop fully not only in road safety but also in career and profession so as to make India World Super Power and make the world to follow us.. A 1% of self-improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days. Be a Master of self-control in an out of control world. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is called Insanity.
MIC is giving a National Call to All to accept self-improvement – SI Dare. Individuals must take action and accept SI Dare for self-improvement. The organizations must promote SI Dare internally and include RSP Ranking in their hiring policy. Every road users must participate, join the National AIM and show their solidarity by taking action, additional actions, inspiring and connecting others and oneself. We are counting on individual actions ensuring that no one left behind. Together we can achieve the common smart goal - CSG. We are in Amrit Kaal & the philosphy of Amrit Kaal is Improve 1 Self, A 1% improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days. All for one and one for All. United we win and divided we Fall.
Most Needed Actions For Organizations in National AIM
1. Promote SI Dare within your organization internally. (Self-improvement - SI Dare).
2. Promote SI Dare within your organization externally through sampling. (Self-improvement - SI Dare).
Additional Actions for Organizations in National AIM
3. Include Road Safety Proficiency - RSP Ranking in Hiring Policy (A Service Maintained by Mother India Care)
4. Register your profile at National Action Map, log your proposed actions, update your actions taken, make your every action count and reflect on NAM.
The above list "Better Choice" is too long and the idea is to make you all aware with the both ends of the coin. Its time to wake up and understand the law of automatic, flip the coin, chose the better option, act now, do it now. In the absence of main, the opponent comes in automatically to rule.
In the absence of good, evil comes in.
In the absence of light, darkness comes in.
In the absence of actions, laziness comes in.
In the absence of awareness, unawareness comes in.
Despite awareness raising campaigns, the daily road accident deaths are increasing because awareness is inactive.
In road transport sector the individuals non-improvement is leading to accidental suicide. We all are aware what is right but we don't implement those principles in our daily life, Awareness & consciousness is not in action and hence this National Action Implementation Movement, converting awareness into self-improvement to achieve 360 degree reversal to road accident deaths in India by 2030.When the goal is smarter, the purpose is greater, there should be a smart input to achieve the goal. Why settle with outdated input which is not working. Why not go for updated input. The global community even United Nations with its members countries are working on to reduce the daily road accident deaths but the smart input has been ignored by the global community. Very simple, if the conventional input is not giving the desired output, we must change the input to get the desired output.
Last year on 26 No we launched DOAP Toolkit to end road carnage and we are closely watching this DOAP Toolkit is on track and promoting SI Dare. Our team expansion process (enrollment of Future Changemakers) is going on across India, and they will be giving the dare to all road users, and they will also keep the vigil and silently gather the traffic violation proofs.
All forms of lives develop fully except the human because human have the choice to develop fullly or not to. 97% human develop partly and don't want to grow, they don't want to improve because of their comfort and struggle to survive for their whole life. They prefer comfort first and hardwork laters. They don't even set their goals and face the unplanned destination, face the future with apprehension But road safety is the only sector that needs continuous improvement else it will lead to accidental suicide. Consequently every day 500 plus families are receiving the dead bodies of their loved ones and are being forced into poverty due to the human induced disaster.
If you want to use the public roads, use it by resetting the GIB (Goal-Input-Brain) and self-improvement. Accept the SI Dare and reset the GIB to get a controlled output.
Doing the same thing and expecting different results is called Insanity.
If you accept your flaws and admit self-improvement is infinite, then you will go for improvement.. Self-improvement usually means doing something that we have not done before. If you always do what you have always done you will always be where you have always been. With the time, which is changing every moment, you will shrink and never be the same, so you must upgrade your grade periodically to stay current. So always strive to be better than who you were yesterday. Stop making excuses and start making actions.All road users fall in the two categories. One who claims others are responsible for road accidents, second who claims they are well experienced road users. Both categories road users are putting a deadlock to their self-improvement with their respective claim, and hence this SI Dare (Self-improvement Dare). Stop blaming others, start engaging self. A 1% of self-improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days.
Self-improvement is taking a booster dose consistently and saying BYE to your laziness and BYE means, B =Boost, Y = Your, E = Efficiency.
Self-improvement is accepting a Dare and resetting GIB to get the control output and result and also taking a booster dose consistently and saying BYE to your laziness and BYE means, B =Boost, Y = Your, E = Efficiency.
Be a Master of Self-Control in an out of control world which means an out of control road traffic. As far as goes your self-control as far goes your freedom. Freedom must not be mistaken as an out of control.
The denial to the SI Dare means you are unable to improve yourself. The denial to SI Dare is denial to the safety of the people around you. The denial to SI Dare is denial to booster dose, the Bad Road Sense - BRS Virus will infect you if you are lacking this booster dose. Denial to SI Dare is denail to setting goals to reaching a well planned destination. Denial to SI dare, disaster is your destination. You are inviting the accidental suicide and causing a danger to fellow road users.
As a pedestrian when you started using the public roads you started without setting the GIB (Goals-Input-Brain) to get the controlled output. GIB setting involves setting of long range goals to use public roads carefully, cautiously and attentively. GIB setting means you should feed proper input to your brain so that the brain should process it accordingly to get the desired output. The GIB setting means your brain should be wired and conditioned to accept the guildelines and not to violate traffic rules.
At the time of obtaining the driving license the goal setting, input setting, brain setting (GBISetting) was overlooked, only short range goal was set and long range goal was overlooked and that has also become another major cause of increasing road accident deaths.
Obtaining a license is a short-term goal and limited to allowing vehicles to drive on public roads is misinterpreted with the freedom. The freedom on public roads means, as far as your self-control goes as far goes your freedom.
No long range goal was set, which is to maintaining self-control and good ranking as long as they use the public roads and beginning it was ignored and now it has become very difficult and requires special measures.
When you are going out and using the public roads you must improve your self, If you are just sitting at home and not using roads then it is ok. Road journeys are deadlier if you say no to self-improvement, road journeys are safer if you reset GIB and embrace self-improvement and practicing consistently and persistently.
Currently, the SI Dare is a voluntary action requirement and will be made mandatory in the future. With the SI Dare you are able to rewrite destiny through conscious shifting and the feeding of right information and controlled input to the mind. Accepting the SI Dare means you are part of solution, if you are refusing to SI Dare means you are a part of problem, Choice is yours. Our Team of Future Changemakers (your fellow road users) will be gathering the proofs of out of control incidents in support to law and you will be penalized for the traffic violation. Even in the absence of traffic police, our team of Future Changemakers (your fellow road users) across India will be monitoring and gathering the proofs of road traffic violation incidents, out of control incidents, suitable penalty & punishment can give a shock to you. The road safety Future Changemakers / advisors are advising to road users. Advise is least heeded, when most needed. Advise after injury is like a medicine after death.
Click on the below link and complete the step of first process and then click on the appropriate category of road users (Student - Passenger - Driver) and go to the next step. See the option and benefits and click on the desired option and proceed to the next page and enter your details and click on the submit button and make the payment through the integrated payment gateway, or through the Google Pay or Pay TM, or you can directly transfer the funds. People who don't pay they don't pay the attention. You are the product if you choose a free product, so do not become one. If you are making payment through the payment gateway then you will get the landing page instantly and follow the steps to complete the process. If you are making the payment through google pay or direct bank transfer then you need to share the screen shot of the payment for a speedy response by our team to send you the online link to complete the process.
The SI Dare is constituted (years study, survey & analysis of Mother India Care) based on the science of psychology and consciousness and also with the basic IPO principle (Input-Process-Output), using the 4P Techniques which is researched, experimented and verified by Global wisdom Research and is very effective solution to end road carnage. By completing the SI dare you will be able to rest GIBA so as to get the desired output and results. The GIBA setting was ignored at the time when the road users started using public roads. The best thing is this that with the SI Dare and during the processof GIBA resetting you will be able to empower yourself to start recognizing the safety messages sent by the cosmos for your safety at the time of distress situation and with that you will be able to handle the distress situation on public roads.
Once you complete the SI Dare process you will be able to reset GIBA (Goals-Input-Brain-Action) to get the controlled output which is a must for every road users because every road users missed to set GIBA . Self-improvement is the only journey in this world that never ends and it begins with accepting your flaws. Unlock the deadlock and be a master of Self-Control in an out of control world. A 1% of self-improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days. Self-improvement is taking a booster dose consistently. SI Dare will make you the Master of Self-Control in an out of control world. Every day we all are facing new and different situations on roads which are not taught in any school or institutions. SI Dare is a basic subsciption and it will make a strong foundation and on the strong foundation you can enhance your ability to handle different situation on roads. By resetting GIBA you will be able to recognize the messages sent by the cosmos for your safety to handle distress situation. Stay empowered to handle the new situation with self-improvement.
Join the movement to end road carnage and together we will achieve the reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. Let us together make road journeys safer for everyone.
Jai Hind - Participate/Join National AIM through the below buttons
jai Hind - Glimpses of 26 Nov 2021 Ceremony - Chief Guest - Shri Rajender Kumar Kataria- IAS (Principal Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka - Transport Department)
Human Map of India was Formed on 26th Nov 2021 at Century Club Bangalore
The Glimpses of our Journey on road safety since 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022....
Future Changemakers across India - Offering Dare to Road Users to Set goals