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 Tips to Take Action 

How to Take Action When You Don’t Want to or how do you move yourself to act even when you are feeling unmotivated?


Our conscious mind says take action and subconscious mind procrastinates. Sometimes to take a first step you hesitate because of the fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of unknown or fear of being judged.. Sometimes you avoid taking action for a new task because it requires focus. Sometimes you just don’t feel it. Sometimes you have a difficult task ahead of you, and all you want to do is give up and hide. Acting against better judgment due to weakness of will is called Akrasia. There are many reasons, may be you focus most on the thing which you are not having, may be because of health issue, may be because of the negative comments, may be you need to read or write a long contents, make an uncomfortable phone call, maybe you just had a bad day and don’t feel like doing anything at all or may be people are not responding and you filled the gap with negativity that you have been postponing for an uncomfortable amount of days.

For worriers taking first step is hardest & for Warriors taking first step is easy.


It’s uncomfortable, it’s draining, it’s boring, and it’s frustrating, it’s insulting. And yet there’s no way around the fact that you need to take action.


If you’re anything like most people, your go-to strategy is to use self-criticism as a motivator. In other words, we bully ourselves into taking action. But while this may work sometimes, it’s not a very effective strategy to do first. It doesn’t nourish a healthy relationship with your-self if you do it in the begining and do it in the later stage instead..

And even more, research has found a link between self-criticism and unhealthy, avoidant behavior, like watching mobile phone, TV, playing video games, overeating or to do silly or small non-productive activities.  In the begining itself if you are beating yourself into submission is not a very workable strategy because it pulls from us a deeply worthwhile tendency: to resist coercion.


The below 10 steps that help you get with your inner barriers, and to carry them with you as you start doing what truly matters.


And it all starts with a simple acknowledgment.


1. Abort

Before anything can change, you have to acknowledge an uncomfortable truth: Right now, you don’t feel like taking action.

Whatever “taking action” means for you, right now it evokes a lot of difficult feelings, such as boredom, frustration, anger, resentment, or maybe even depression. And no matter how much you would like to be motivated, you’re just not. There’s no easy-to-reach “feel good” button on the back of your head. Unfortunately, we often cling to “good” feelings, which causes a lot of trouble. Our tendency is to avoid activities that might trigger uncomfortable feelings when we feel good. Hence we avoid and postpone taking action. Therefore the first step to make yourself take action is to abort on feeling good. Abort on your idea of feeling motivated and driven towards your goal. The more you cling to feeling good first the harder it will be for you to take action.


2.  Make Room for Discomfort

It’s not just enough to abort on your attachment to feeling “good." Taking action gets you into contact with a lot of difficult thoughts and feelings. And as long as you struggle with your own feelings of discomfort, you will struggle with taking action because of our mindset biased to instant gratification.


So instead of making “bad” feelings the enemy, allow yourself to have them. Stop overcoming barriers, getting through barriers, or defeating barriers. Learn to get with them. Inhale them. Make room for feelings of discomfort and allow yourself to feel bored, frustrated, and maybe even depressed. This doesn’t mean that you have to like your difficult feelings. Nobody does. But it does mean that your difficult feelings don’t need to change before you can do what truly matters for you.


The sooner you allow yourself to feel discomfort as it is, the sooner you can start taking action.


3. Connect With Your Why
There’s no need to feel discomfort if it’s not in the service of something important. So let’s figure out what truly matters.


Why you started?

For income ?

For career empowerment?

Ambition to be rich person?

To end daily road carnage?

Future Changemaker opportunity?

For Recognition?

Considering yourself Warrior?

To contribute in the interest of Nation?


Your benefits for taking action

Monthly income and passive income

Connection building, Certificate & recognition

People you care and hope will be back safely every day.

Rich person & Social status upgradation

Strong Will Power & Future Changemaker Title .

Sense of Contibution in the interest of Nation

People will Salute you.


Your loss for quitting

Be in the 97% population struggling for income

Quitter tag

Borrow or beg money for survival

Passive income source.

Title of Weak Will Power and Trust.

The opportunity will go to some other person.

The Warrior To Worrier

You have to Salute People


What matters most to you’re the benefits or loss? Try letting go of any guilt you might feel due to compliance, applause or otherwise. Instead, focus on taking action for whatever is a very good reason to you. A free choice. Just because.


If this kind of “reason why” that matters. It can be a huge source of motivation and inspiration. Get clear on your goals and values, and let them fuel you towards action. If few people did not respond then take it as a challenge and make up your mind to approach for more and more people with more confidence. The more confidently you will speak the more people will respond you positively. If you want to start a new task you need to overcome your hesitations and give time to people to overcome hesitation but do the follow up on regular basis. Some people do not hesitate and some people has little hesitation and some has more hesitation. Thinking will not overcome hesitation but action will. Start doing with small effort as the small effort can be repeated easily and repeated efforts will become our habit. So keep trying and fill the gap of no response with positivity. Your product is the need of every road user and no competitor for this product. .When you feel like procrastination use the neuro-technique and recharge with joyous memories and then take action and this will enhance your work continuity and consistency   Pick up the pen and start writing. Writing is a voyage to the inner. Write until it becomes as natural as breathing and makes you anxious when not writing.. Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. Every minute is a chance to change the writing of destiny. Rewrite the Destiny, with writing you can make anything.. We don't conquer mountain we conquer ourselves. Remember the 5F Matrix subcription also involves writing, so first you start writing, gain the experience and then advice others to subscribe for 5F Matrix and write. You either win or learn, no scope for failure. The energy is everything, Match the frequency of the reality you want, you can not help but get that reality. It is not philosphy it is physics.


4. Set a Commitment
Now it’s time to set a commitment. You dont seek advice from your neighbors when you are going for marriage fixing. Your own and known people will laugh at your failures and feel jealous of your achievements.. False accusations are used when they cannot defeat you by action. False comments will be made to disturb your mindset to influence your decision making ability


What are you willing to commit to?

It doesn’t have to be something big. You can start with an easy goal, and exercise your willingness muscle. For example, instead of approaching 50 new people, start by approaching 10 new people in a day.


You get to make the decision here. So take a pen and paper, and write down:

How many new people you want to approach and do the follow up?

Specify the time when are you willing to do it?

Specify the area, place and platform where are you willing to do it?


The more specific you are, the better. Remember every 4 minutes one road accident death in India and your contribution can end this daily road carnage. If you get a greatest opportunity and you think you can not do it just say yes and learn how to do it and you can do it. Spend your energy to stay active. Check your energy expenditure and ways to stay active from the below calculator


5. Start
Do something. Now. Take Action. Right now.. Its time to make a start and trust the magic of beginnings. Celebrate endings for they precede new beginnings.

Self-congratulate and applaud when you set and achieve a small goal regardless of how small it may be and celebrate thru the link clicking here  celebration . If you are not able to complete the small task then give self grace by saying " Oh God please bless me the spirit of completing my work task " Your action should be taken on regular and daily basis not on the last minute rush or in the month end. Script becomes a thought and a thought becomes an action and an action becomes a focus and focus becomes a result. Where focus goes energy flows. Focus on your actions that produces result. You may find distraction stones on the road to success, don't get distrated with distraction elements and focus on your action and step by step achieve the goal.


And then do the next thing, but stay with the process and maintain consistency. Consciously shift the focus from what you are not having your goal and use you full energy and focus to achieve your goal. By doing so you will be the biggest winner.


If you begin to stumble, recycle through above steps 1 through 5 above till the work task become your habit.


6. Own Inaction

Sometimes the best strategies fall short.

And same time, ask yourself this:

Who says you have to take action? Try changing the thought "I cannot take action to I can take action".


That is joyfully correct - you are doing it right now!

Give self grace by saying "Oh god please bless me the spirit of taking action".

Own your inaction. Feed your capacity to choose and take responsibility. If you have made the belief system as A FOR ANDA IN PLACE OF A FOR APPLE due to your past experience. Start saying A For Apple now and change the belief system with conscious shift. If people are not responding, say people are responding and build a positive Aura build a positive energy field around you. Your positive energy field will attract people and and your negative energy field will repel people.


Never say grapes are sour for your inaction or inability or your own flaws, the product is the best and no match and no competitor in the world. Globally, there are no such opportunities that provided monthly income for connection building as well as passive income over a two year period and which is integrated to achieve the 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths..That is the uniqueness of the Future Changemakers project called as OPERATION 360 DEGREE REVERSAL.. Stay at the crease till the last over and till the last ball of the match inning because last ball of the match inning can change the game and it has proved by MS Dhoni. You are the Future Changemaker and change happens with action. When the challenges come that means the CHANGE AHEAD, show the challenges that you are stronger to them.


Do you know that responsibility was originally written response ability?

Owning your inaction is owning your ability to respond. Your past will never be your future and don't live in your past because you can not go back and repair your past. Take action and make your future because your life is your making..

When you don't stop feeding your stomach then never stop feeding actions, but maintain half empty because the energy consumed in digestion will be more and same time you will not be able to work with your full energy.. Always  remember if you don't feed your actions then you have to salute people and if you feed your actions then people will salute you.


7.  Recall - Replay - Recharge

If you can not take action then you can take action. So if you shift, do it with the same spirit. Kind. Gentle. Persistent. One step at a time. You have the ability to choose based on what works best, whether your mind likes it or not. These six steps you can take to inhale your inner barriers and start doing what truly matters. You don't have to feel good about taking action, so allow yourself to feel uncomfortable. Connect with the deep reason why "taking action " is important to you in the first place and set a commitment to what you are going to do. Then start inside that spirit. Recall and make a note of your joyous memories and replay it on the Brain-TV screen and feel the joy of this special moment. Work on the task & then recall - replay - recharge yourself at the frequency of half an hour regular basis. With this technique you can reinvent-renovate-rejuvenate yourself and achieve your goal.


8.  The Sweet Pain.

Rest should be the necessity not objective. If you want to be in comfort zone then remember the success comes from the hard work. If you run and relax like a rabbit, comfort zone will pull you like a magnet and you will fail. You have to bear the sweet pain of hardwork because the pain of regret is greater than the pain of hardwork. Always take the pain of hardwork as sweet pain with the visualization of the reality of your goal..


9. Consequences Dose.

You will be losing the best employment opportunity. Your omission bank Balance will increase. Look for other job opportunities and then quit and look and then quit. Government jobs are shrinking and so the corporate jobs because technology is grabbing the jobs rapidly and economy is going jobless day by day. Struggle for the money for whole life. The Consequences of the comfort zone and taking no action and not owning inaction will lead to a career disaster, which no one wants. After doing the above steps then give yourself the consequences dose with the followng.


Be in the 97% population struggling for income

Quitter tag

Borrow or beg money for survival

Passive income source.

Title of Weak Will Power and not worthy of trust.

The opportunity will go to some other person.

You have come in this world to do something very special and unique, not to do normal things. The day you start believing in you, world will start believing you. Nobody will have problem if you don't have money, only you will have the problem. You can evolve your future by sacrificing your present comfort, and you can evolve your present comfort by sacrificing your future comfort, choice is yours. Make a wise choice. If our present is comfortable then your future will be uncomfortable, if your present is uncomfortable then your future is comfortable.

10.  Success Integration

If the vehicle got repaired and you just stand and wait for someone to come and help you, no one will come. You start pushing your vehicle then people will come and support. People with less resources, people with limited resources, people with repeated failure gone on the top of the world and even people with one leg climbed up the Mount Everest and enjoying the success and status. Even Amitabh Bachan faced heavy loss of 400 crore for conducting miss world 1996 at the age of 53 and recovered his loss by staying active and working hard. So age is not the matter for hard work. In 1989 while playing very first test match in Karachi, Sachin Tendulkar was hit by a bouncer on his face and seeing the blood flwoing from his face he did not give up and became the world top batsman.  Never give up and maintain consistency. Integrate your action steps with the action steps of these people and reach on the top of the world in the 3% category elite people. Close every interaction in a positive note and give the positive input to your mind consciously and never close it in negative manner.


In your daily self care routine add this positive affirmation as - I am becoming Healthy - Wealthy - Young & Wise


 The more energy you spend the more active you are 

If you feel like you are sitting more and moving less you may be looking for simple ways to burn energy. There are a number of ways to boost your total daily energy expenditure - TDEE  and not all of them require a formal workout.


Ways to Increase Daily Energy Expenditure

  • Cleaning your home or a particular room
  • Taking a long walk or jog daily
  • Setting a timer (or watch) for movement breaks throughout the day
  • Taking the stairs (instead of an elevator or escalator)
  • Choosing a parking spot further away from your destination
  • Scheduling a walking meeting
  • Using a standing desk
 Weight - 100 Kg = 220 lbs 

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