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Adopt Road Safety Oath

Vatan Ka Heera - Dare

Plant A 10K Magic Tree
Of Blessings & Money
The Best seed to
Thrive in 2022

Amal Bharat Andolan


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A Genius Road User &
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National Road Safety Atlas

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We Support United Nations
Paris Agreement

Cognitive Skill Test

Kaun Banega Supergenius

Runners Club India

Rally 2 Rule

All India & Wold rally 

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....

Sustainable Road Safety Center

Beat Drug Menance

Road Safety Academy

Action & Prevention


National Dare of Mother India Care

Gimba Therapy

Road Safety Health

 The Emergence of Revolutionary Solution for Sustainable & Safe Road Travel For All 

An overview

Families are always waiting and hoping for the safe return of their member, head or bread earner at home. It is a nightmare to imagine every day 500 plus unfortunate families getting the terrific and heart shocking news, "Your loved one has passed away" in a road accident in place of the hope for a safe return or their wait and hope ends with receiving the dead body of thier loved ones..  These very unfortunate families hardly get a chance to say last goodbye to their loved ones of road accident victim. If the family member is bread earner than the unfortunate family is being forced to poverty. Lifestyle, education, marriage and economics of such unfortunate families are seriously affected and causing a huge GDP loss to nation as well. Roads are deadlier than pandemic because roads are killing over 500 people in road accident which is a human induced disaster.


One of those unfortunate families whose wait and hope for safe returns ends with receiving the dead body of a loved one is Mother India Care's Founder and his family. The Founder lost his father (army retired and 1965 war hero) in a road accident and he was lying road side unattended for 4 hours and died. Unfortunately no one came forward to help him. It was a heart-breaking shock and terrible blow for the founder and his family. Instead of playing the victimhood role by doing nothing, the founder became strong and stood firm for the cause and began filling potholes in tribute to his beloved father with the intention to prevent road accidents and made his mission to end daily road carnage in India. To make a bigger change his mission becomes his obesession and Launched website


In the process he found that his efforts are not sufficient to end road carnage. With a view to make combined and powerfull efforts to end road carnage he registered the charitable trust on 26th Nov 2014 as Mother India Care. It is the day of death anniversary of father of the founder as he died on this day and many other Indian also died in road accident across India. It is the day when the terrorists attacked Mumbai Taj Hotel. It is the day we adopted the constitution and celebrate Constitution day of India. These are the important events of 26th November.


The Founder understands the saga of suffering of all such unfortunate families and made up his mind to put an end to this daily road carnage and rigorously started working on it.


1st Phase: Followed the World


Mother India Care - MIC since its inception has started campaigning for road safety pledge signing after knowing the major cause of road accidents as lack of road safety awareness and lack of commitment. MIC started its initiative of the Road Safety Pledge and road users started signing the road safety pledge online and offline campaigns. Public respect army and to influence the public MIC took the help of army unit to sign the road safety pledge on various road traffic signals.


Mother India Care collaborated with Transport and Traffic Police department to celebrate the 27th National Road Safety Week and the Theme for that year’s week was “Time for Action”. MIC spent a lot on raising public awareness thru banner printing, balloon printing, and promoting road safety pledge signing by the mass.


Students and elders including police persons were made to sign a road safety pledge on a leaflet of pledge books, and the half portion of the leaflet was handed over to the pledge signee. Then-Home Minister of Karnataka Dr. G Parmeshwara has also signed the road safety pledge. After signing the pledge, we cross-checked with the road users and found that the commitment adherence rate is nil. The road accident deaths are increasing even after the implementation of the new motor vehicle act 2019 wherein the traffic violation fines have been increased. Then the


The Founder planned to dig the roots instead of plucking the leaves. While doing the root cause analysis it was found that human behavioral errors are responsible for road accidents deaths. Initially road users acquire driving skill but road safety, self-descipline and responsibility skill are not acquiring and as a result mind is directing to do the easy things in place of right things. Thereafter the founder involved team of psychologists to design a root cause solution. The lockdown was imposed because of the pandemic and MIC team utilize the lockdown situation to find solutions.


2nd Phase: Rebranded by incorporating A to Z of road Safety


MIC team started its research on road safety and included the A to Z of road safety in the Road Safety Pledge as the best action plan for a sustainable solution..


On the first of September 2020, the United Nations has declared the years, 2021 to 2030 as the second decade of action, for road safety. United nations and Global community is working on 17 Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations where in road safety and employement generation are included in the 17 SDGs.


In support of this proclamation of the United Nations, MIC started constituting the Decade of Action Plan 2021-2030 on national road safety. The 21 assets tools of DOAP Toolkit has been designed. The video byte of Dr. Tedros (WHO Chief) and Mr. Jean Todt (Special Envoy to Secretary General for road safety, United Nation, was supplied to us to release in our virtual ceremony and same was released.


On 26th Nov 2020 Mother India Care has adopted, the Decade of Action Plan, 2021 to 2030, on national road safety and Justice B.S. Patil, Hon’ble Upalokayukta (Present Lokayukta), Karnataka, was the chief guest, for the inaugural ceremony. The 26th of November has been marked as World Road Safety Oath Day by Mother India Care.


The road safety pledge was rebranded to Road Safety Oath on the advice of Justice B.S. Patil, Hon’ble Upalokayukta (Present Lokayukta of Karnataka), who made many road users adopt road safety oath online. Thereafter on 26th January 2021 the Decade of Action Plan 2030 on National Road Safety was implemented through a virtual ceremony. The  Additional Transport Commissioner Mr. Narender Holkar was the chief guest for the virtual ceremony.


Then with a view to know the impact of this road safety oath a study was conducted and it was found that the commitment adherence rate is low and we started reviewing the initiative and working on how to enhance the impact report. 


3rd Phase: Rewrite the Destiny - Flip the Script to Flip the Result - The Emergence of 5F Matrix - The Solution to End Road Carnage


With the help of the Global Wisdom Research Center (GWRC), the research was conducted on this campaign. In the research, it was found that 97% of road users are placing blame on the outer world for the daily road accident deaths.and  3% of road users claim they are well experienced road users   Blaming others is a way of making yourself feel better about a loss, a painful, hurtful, or anxiety-provoking experience, or some other difficulty in your life.


It is noteworthy to mention here that by placing the blames on others and claiming themselves that they are well experienced road users, they are committing 2 mistakes. One is by doing so they are putting a deadlock on their self-improvement. Self-improvement is infinite and perfection is unattainable. Second, by doing so they are spreading the negative energy into the environment and the environment is filled with the negative energy. Naysayers are picking this negative energy and getting instigated to do negative acts and consequently, the road accident deaths are increasing. Thus the negative energy is ruling us.


While learning driving people pay full attention and after learning they pay divided attention. Then they claim to know everything and show their egotistical attitude and close their focus window and never make any effort to improve their focus ability. The lack of focus leads to accidental suicide.  Whereas by saying I know nothing about anything that exists in this universe, you can increase your focus ability. We promote gratitute meditation and individual can take a 2 minutes focus dare to impove your focus ability and improve it on daily basis.


The study has found that 3% of road users who claim they are well experienced road users, are doing the same thing and expecting the different results which is called as insanity. Their such tendency prevents them from self-improvement. They must flip the script and say the tragedy that occurs with others can happen to them as well, so that they will always strive for better self-improvement every day.


Acting against better judgment due to weakness of will is called Akrasia. The Akrasia Virus is so dangerous and silently making us inner loser and consequently destroying our career growth and our living standard.. Those infected with this Akrasia Virus always procrastinate, procrastination leads to omission, and omission leads to accidental suicide.


Science says when you tell someone not to do something, they will be more motivated than ever to do it because of the psychological behavior known as reactance.


This behavioral reactance is a type of mechanism where our brain wants to ensure the self-control that, we are free to do, whatever it is, that, we want to do, with our own lives. People tend to react to restrictive words by doing restrictive things because their mindset is leaned toward negativity. For road safety awareness displaying messages don’t jump red signal don't drink and drive etc., are also restraining words.


People face daily new situations on roads that are not taught in any school or institution and they are handling it as per their choice.  Consequently, road accident deaths are, increasing day by day and going out of control despite the increase in traffic fines.


The Japanese 3 wise monkeys are conveying the message that sees no evil speak no evil and hear no evil are restraining words and the world is following this concept. Mother India Care has flipped the script and designed 6 wise monkeys. The 6 wise monkeys, of Mother India Care, are conveying, reformative messages of, speak only good, see only good, hear only good, think only good, do only good, and, be only good, through self-control improvement with a conscious shift. Global community is pressing on the road safety training and Mother India Care is pressing on the need of First learn how to drive human body and then learn how to drive metal body and we called as forgotten heart of road safety.. Thus the Mother India Care has set the example for the global community to follow the principles of "the power of conscious shift".


Based on this conscious shift and with the help of professionals and psychologists of GWRC, the contents of the road safety oath were reviewed and verified and negative affirmations and don’t words were removed.  The road safety oath was once again rebranded as 5F Matrix to rewrite destiny (Flip the script, Flip the mindset, Flip the Action, Flip the Focus & Flip the Result),  a Burn-up & Power-up Process with the 4P Techniques and having 5 Levels of year long annual engaging activities for road users. Thus the 5F Matrix emerges as the first and foremost tool of 21 tools of the DOAP Toolkit to achieve the 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030.  Writing is a voyage to the inner.  Every minute is a chance to change the writing of destiny. The writing can make anything hence rewrite destiny. one must write until it becomes as natural as breathing and it makes you anxious when not writing.. Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. SO - WRITE IT DOWN. 360 degree reversal to road accident deaths in India by 2030.


In the 5F matrix (a solution to end road carnage), we are encouraging road users to burn up their negativity and then feed the right and controlled input to get the controlled output. Road users are writing the constitution of oath on regular basis and by doing so they are feeding the right information into their subconscious mind which automates and forms their habit. The GWRC conducted experiments and verified that the commitment adherence rate is 92% for 5F Matrix subscribers. Finally with the help of team Global Wisdom Research Center, the team Mother India Care has found the permanent SOLUTION to end road carnage which is a landmark acomplishment of the years long team hard work, a big congratulations to Team Mother India Care. With the additional subscriptions of remaining 20 tools of the DOAP tool Kit, which includes A to Z of road safety with innovative & interactive 3D video games and activities we will achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030.  .The DOAP 2030 will be upgraded from time to time depending on the feedback and development to achive the common smart goal. 


People are accepting the responsibility for daily road accident deaths and are practicing self-improvement. They are becoming the change what they expect in the world. Increasingly, people are understanding the benefits of conscious shift and forming a winning attitude with their inner selves to become road safety heroes and the inner winners. The instant gratification on roads can lead to accidental suicide and they started preferring delayed gratification over instant gratification. Instant gratification is short-lived and full of regret. The delayed gratification powered by 5F Matrix and self-control improvement is integrated to achieve a 360-degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030 which is a common SMART goal. 


We are expanding our network of road safety advisors across India to encourage road users to subscribe to the Gibma Kriya (5F matrix) to achieve a 360-degree reversal of road accident deaths in India by 2030 and we are sure together we can achieve this biggest change.

Roads are deadlier than pandemic because roads are killing more than 400 lives every day and families of victims hardly get a chance to say goodbye. We are on the way to ending the pandemic and one more dangerous virus is required to be ended which is the Akrasia Virus. The Road users take action and subscribe to Gibma Kriya (5F Matrix) an upgrade to rewrite their destiny and become a master of self-control in an out of control world. Let us recharge positive energy to rule negative energy to end daily road carnage.


Mother India Care has started a nationwide Action Implementation Movement for Self-control Improvement and also for Implementing Awareness Intelligence to be the inner winner. Individuals are subscribing to the 5F Matrix rewriting destiny and encouraging others for the same. Many volunteers and charity organizations across India have joined and also joining every day as Road Safety Advisors to enable the road users to subscribe to 5F Matrix across India. The 21 tools of the DOAP Toolkit have been designed and is covering A-Z of road safety. Click here to view more details on DOAP Toolkit. 


People got vaccinated to prevent the infection of COVID-19 and people are subscribing to 5F Matrix to prevent accidental suicide and also to void the influence of the Akrasia Virus on human beings.  Stop blaming others and start engaging self and take a 5 minutes focus dare and be the INNER WINNER.


Join the Movement and do your bit. We are mobilizing actions and counting on every individual action to achieve the common SMART goal. In every Era someone changes the Era. Each Era has a Change leader and in this Era it is Mother India Care.

Click here to subscribe for 5F Matrix - the verified solution to end road carnage

 Former Supreme Court Chief Justice of India Mr. Venkatchalaiah - Participating in Road Safety Awarenss Rally 

 Road Safety Pledge Signed By Home Minister of Karnataka on 16.01.2016 


 Road Safety Pledge Signing Campaign - Individuals, Police and students signing the pledge 


 Commemorating World Day of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims - Chief Guest Dr. Kiran Kumar (ISRO Chairman) 

 Bangalore Safest Rider 2020 Event Potographs - Chief Guest ADGP PS Sandhu - IPS (Present - ADG - CID)  


 Decade of Action Plan - DOAP Toolkit launching ceremony on 26th Nov 2021 - Rebranded as 5F Matrix - Human Map of India Was Formed by Army, police and diginatries to Launch National Movement - Chief Guest Shri Rajender Kumar Kataria - IAS (Principal Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka - Transport Department), DCP Videsh Kumar, Sri TS Parasuraman (President & Whole time director - Toyota Industries) 

 Blindfold Contest - For Memory & Focus Enhancement - Get Blind Fold Reading / Driving Training 

 Roster of Subscriptions 
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