Someone spends money when you came into this world, someone spends money for your upbringing and education and someone spends money when you leave this world. Because of these freeloading for many births we have become freeloaders now. We want everything for free and someone should put efforts for us and we want to stay in our comfort cage. A plant cannot big tree in a concrete pot, to big a big tree it has to make a shift from concrete pot to open ground. To achieve something you have to give something, and that is the law of receiving. Receiving reserved for those who give. You have to release your last breath first to take next. Upgrade your inner intelligence like robotic intelligence in road safety thru input sanitization and using the combined power of your 5 senses. Arrive safely everyday and enjoy the warmth of togetherness with your family. The upgrade process is scientifically verified by Global Wisdom Research as a very effective mechanism, that is aimed to achieve 360oreversal from bottom to top of our country’s road safety world ranking & also to achieve 360oreversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. You join body fitness gym to increase physical power and it takes at least 180 days to achieve the desired result, same way to achieve the desired result you have to join brain gym at least for 180 days and workout at your home. By feeding sanitized input data for 180 days your inner intelligence will become stronger to work like robotic intelligence. Remember, it is not a task of 2 or 3 days task, it is simple but a minimum 180 days challenge and you have to do it with persistency and consistency and upgrade to national safety brigade. Dare to learn and manage inner mechanism then get a Fortune & Legacy Care kit |
Negative energy and our blind mind have been ruling us for so long. If you wish to supply, wisdom to inner intelligence to rule over negative energy to enslave your mind and also to rewrite your fortune and legacy for safer road journey then buy a Fortune & Legacy Care Kit and join us the community of, Genius Mind Gardeners,, Gibma Kriya Practitioners, the national family members of Mother India Care. In the present, if you are enjoying or suffering, or you will harvest another crop in the future whose exact time is unknown, then these are the fruits of your seeds you sowed in the past, and these seeds were sown consciously or unconsciously, and we are not even certain whether they will yield fruits or thorns in the future. It is apparent from looking back that we have made mistakes and should not repeat them as well as correct them if they can be corrected before they become our fortune.
Life is just a calculation of old accounts. We carry the debit or credit balance to the next life and receive them many times more or pay many times more which is a law of settlement. The account settlement involves money, action, behavior & words.
Mother India Care in collaboration with Global Wisdom Research has designed Gibma Kriya to rewrite fortune and legacy and bring them back on the right path in many areas and road safety is main among them. Change you old mindset to improve your present by strengthening your inner intelligence thru Fortune & Legacy Care using a Kit as per your option. This festive season add joy to your celebration by rewriting and securing your fortune & legacy on your road journey. Get your Fortune & Legacy Care Kit now to get your fortune & legacy are back on right track. Click on the below kit image of your choice to buy. |