Root Cause - Goal - Input - Brain - Mind-Action (GIBMA) Setting & 10 golden rules of GIBMA for safer road journey for everyone - Overlooked by Global Community. People are sowing seeds in their mind without knowing their fruits. Seeds are idea, opinion, prejudices and concept. They plant a seed, a thought, and it grows. When fruit comes then they sadly says why it has happened to them. People know what is right and they have taken their mistakes for granted and repeating them, and this mindset is required to be renovated and reset. Unknowingly people are falling into self-deception trap and they are not even aware of it. There is a need to uproot the wrong plants and sow the right seeds in the garden of the mind. Plant the right seeds in the garden of your mind thru GIBMA Kriya. The GIBMA (Goals - Input - Brain - Mind - Action) setting is the main requirement of the road safety and which is being overlooked at the time of started using public roads which are deadlier and also at the time of issuing driving license. Obtaining a driving license is a short-term goal and limited to allowing vehicles to drive on public roads is misinterpreted with the freedom. Public roads are mistaken with public amusement park. The freedom on public roads means, as far as your self-control goes as far goes your freedom. As long as you use public roads, mastering self-control and maintaining a good ranking record is overlooked as a long-term goal. The GIBMA rule # 1 is goal setting. Unless you set your goals, disaster is your destination. When all awareness campaigns for physical practice is not working, mental practice is the ultimate solution to make the habit to follow traffic rules. 1. Goal setting - ACCISAFE While starting using the public roads must set your short range and long range goals of Adherence, Caution, Control, Improvement, Safety, Alert, Focus, Estimation – ACCISAFE and follow it. You have to maintain your road users e-profile with good ranking record until you drive or walk on public roads. Stay committed to prove your self-control in an out-of-control world until you use the deadlier roads. By pursuing goals you can reach well planned destination every day and without setting goals you will reach at unplanned destination. Unless you set your goals disaster is your destination. Over 500 road users are facing disaster as their destination. With goal setting be safer, without goal setting be sufferer. Prefer delayed gratification as it is integrated to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. Make common goal a part of your life contribute as per the individual capacity. Adhere traffic laws, be cautious to understand risky roads, traffic movement and situation, maintain mastery of self-control, prefer safety, stay alert for any unexpected incident, maintain full focus on road, maintain your road safety proficiency RSP profile in good record which is your estimation of e-profile. The goal setting of ACCISAFE is ignored when started using public roads by pedestrians and motorists. The individuals set their short term goal to obtain a driving license and as soon as they attain it, they start treating the road like an amusement park, and believe they have the freedom to use it as they see fit. The long range goal must be set by every road user and which is to maintain road safety proficiency RSP – Profile in good record, The GIBMA rule # 2 is input setting to pursue goals. The input in you is the output by you. Double check your words seeds before planting it as it grows into a tree and bears fruit and so only the seed you want to harvest. 2. Input setting - Positive affirmation In the absence of right input, we will never get the right output. The input related to your actions, behavior and performance on road should be fed to the subconscious. Weeds are active when seeds are not sown. In the absence of right input the right output is impossible. Sowing nothing and expecting best crop, and doing nothing and expecting the best result is insanity. When the brain is not set and conditioned properly then the mind will go for the instant gratification which are short lived and dangerous. So feeding the right input to the subconscious brain is a must to get the desired output, The whole input needs to be fed to our brain in order to get the entire output that we desire. The input can be fed to our subconscious through 4P techniques (writing process, breathing process, watering process & cosmic process). At the time of distress situation how to establish the contact with inner conscience to get the right command to handle the distress situation rightly, how to handle new and different situation on road, input should be properly fed to the subconscious. All information must be fed properly and through positive affirmation. Practice gratitude prayer and start hearing the sound of cosmos and also start recognizing the message of the cosmos for your safety when you are in distress situation. The GIBMA rule # 3 is pursuing goals with brain setting. Brain acts like a processor of the computer. 3. Brain setting: Positive direction Brain is acting as a memory like we have computer. What all information we feed and store into the memory it will transform into out based on the command. On the basis of the input and stored information the command triggers the brain neurons to release of required chemicals to our body and our body takes actions accordingly. So once the brain conditioning is set, our body will take desired action, then the desired output and result is following automatically. Weeds are active when seeds are not sown. In the absence of right input the right output is impossible. Sowing nothing and expecting the best crop, and doing nothing and expecting the best result is insanity. When the brain is not set and conditioned properly then the mind will go for the instant gratification which are short lived and dangerous. So feeding the right input to the subconscious brain is a must to get the desired output, The whole input needs to be fed to our brain in order to get the entire output that we desire. Human mind is biased to negativity (virus) and to prevent this we have to use positive affirmative words to set the positive mind and we have to remove virus (negativity) from time to time. When the computer is infected with the virus or brain is infected with negative information you either have to remove the virus or reformat the system. So stand like a guard at the door of your brain and allow only positive information to enter into it. The GIBMA rule # 4 is pursuing goals with brain wiring and Mind setting to make the habit of traffic rules adherence. Mind setting can help you instruct brain to do the right things and form a habit. . 4. Mind setting: Instructions to brain Humans are having two legs, two hands, two ears two nostles, two eyes, two brains and two minds (processor). All the organs are performing one task at a time but mind is invisible and not performing one task at a time it keeps jumping to another. Because of only this reason we are not able to focus at one task at a time. Mind is biased to negativity and human behavior always prefer freedom and instant gratification. Although our body and brain are developed but our mind is still act like a child and as long as there is a child in our mind, that child need a rod to grow up, and sparing the rod will spoil the child. Keep a wisdom stick handy when the negative mind attempts to distract you from the ongoing task to relax or for entertainment the way it was used to manage kids. In mind setting, individuals process a technique, like mindfulness, to instruct and focus their brain on a particular object or topic. In order to change any habit, we need to desired input to brain and our mind should give instruction to brain and the more the instruction, the more the action, the more the focus, and the more the results. Our mind prefers the tasks that give instant gratification and instant gratifications are short lived and are dangerous. So we have to set our mind for delayed gratification that is long lived by integrating to a purpose and noble goal which has a great value. Visualize the reality of long term gratification and take action only to that direction even when the mind distracts to do easy task. Control your mind whenever it instructs you to make a shift from the task in hand else we will be controlled by our mind. The negativity will be trying its best to distract you in the form of virus and the moment it pop up you have to pick it up and throw away as and when it pops up just repeat the process and focus on the task, one task at a time. Successful people are those who develop this ability to focus on one task at a time for a longer period of time. Set the mind for repetition, repetition & repetition for doing right action until it becomes your reflex action and to empower this repetition you can take meditation support. The GIBMA rule # 5 is taking immediate action, no more procrastination, just do it now.. 5. Action Setting – Positive Preparedness We all know what is right but we don't implement those principles in our daily life because we are not serious or we don’t feel the urgency or we do against that with the apprehension to recover it later and thus we are cheating ourselves. All words that are not been converted into deeds are like a garden full of weeds. Speak up and give command repeatedly to your brain to take action and do it now. Make habit of taking positive and right action. The repeated command transform into action, and repeated actions form the habit and once the habit is formed you are prepared to handle any distress situation on public roads. The habit of committing small mistakes becomes bigger mistakes, so we must avoid committing small mistakes when on roads. One wrong action even by mistake must be compensated by increasing the gratitude prayer duration by 30 minutes every day of for 21 days to wash away the wrongful act. Even if you have paid the fine or even if your wrong act unnoticed by the traffic police but you have noticed it. Must prefer delayed gratification. With the help of above four process, maintain habit of reaching your well planned destination every day, self-appreciate and do gratitude prayer a meditation in anticipation every day. The GIBMA rule # 6 is, don't wait until you are ready to take action, instead take action to be ready. Transform awareness into preparedness. Take action to be ready instead wait until you are ready to take action. Transform awareness into preparedness. The GIBMA rule # 7 is always keep your self-improvement mode on. A 1% improvement a day will make you 100% better in 100 days. The GIBMA rule # 8 is freedom on public roads means, as far as your self-control goes as far goes your freedom. The GIBMA rule # 9 is, be a part of solution, if you are not a part of solution, you are a part of problem.. The GIBMA rule # 10 is flip the script to flip the result and be a master of self-control in an out of control world. The GIBMA rule # 11 is practice gratitude meditation and make it your habit.
The GIBMA (Goal-Input-Brain-Meditation-Action) setting, is easy in the beginning (at the time of license issuance, or started using public roads), but later, it involves a lot of time and effort . Lack of GIBMA setting is the root cause of increasing road accident deaths and this has been overlooked by global community. A solution must be prepared after considering the root cause. Mother India Care – MIC noticed this root cause and constituted and prepared the GIBMA resetting through 5F Matrix for brain and DNA programming using 4P techniques, which is a researched, experimented and verified process by Global Wisdom Research Center. Desired habit can be made through physical practice or mental practice, and if awareness campaigns for physical practice aren't working, mental practice should be emphasized with positive affirmation based on the science of psychology which is the ultimate solution, and hence this National Action Implementation Movement - National AIM. Soon the global community will start following this ultimate solution to put an end to daily road carnage. We place a great deal of importance on imported theories and imported products, but they are formulated and produced on the basis of our Indian concepts, philosophy & spirituality. The Golden Rules of GIBMA is the philosophy and theory of Mother India Care - MIC which is constituted on the basis of science of psychology, experimented and verified by Global Research Center, and soon the world will follow GIBMA setting for brain & DNA reprogramming.. Public roads are deadlier and people consider them as public amusement park after getting the driving license. Rather than using public roads with your out of control behavior, set the mind to always use them with under control behavior. Taking risk to break the traffic laws leads to accidental suicide, where as in all other domain the outcome is not so worst. Set the mind to receive updated information and implement into action. Mind should be set to look for the traffic signal rather than the presence of traffic police. Mind should be set to pay traffic fine when caught on traffic violation rather than to bribe. Nature of Mind: Human mind is always trying to pull you towards negativity and comfort so as to make no efforts because of the fear of failure. You need a strong wisdom to overcome this issue. Better understanding is the only source to strengthen your wisdom and then it will control your mind. If the wisdom is weak then negative mind will control you. Keep a wisdom stick handy when the negative mind attempts to distract you from the ongoing task to relax or for entertainment the way it was used to manage kids. Although our body and brain are developed but our mind is still act like a child and as long as there is a child in our mind, that child need a rod to grow up, and sparing the rod will spoil the child. Avoid postponing good things. The negative mind often tries to control you by telling you to cheat a little and then recover later. Never allow negative mind to control you. Negative information are often considered as true without validating so our mind is preferring negative information and comfort zone and easy tasks. Mediation In learning to drive we give greater focus since we know the level of risk involved but in learning other tasks we give less focus since the risks are less. Mediation is the only source to enhance your focus capability, as we need more focus to learn new task. Visualize the reality of the proposed task and take action steps in that direction. Meditation is the source to recognize when the cosmos sends timely messages to individuals during distress situations. Practice gratitude meditation and start hearing the sound of cosmos through your invisible & inbuilt cosmic receiver. Many are able to hear the sound of cosmos through their cosmic receiver. The habit of right actions and the habit of gratitude prayer will empower you to start recognizing the message of the cosmos for your safety when you are in distress situation. The practice of meditation needs to be a habit, and to make it a habit, you need to include meditation in your daily self care routine. The meditation in anticipation of focus enhancement is a powerful source of making and maintaining a specific habit. Pedestrians must set long range goal to maintain status of Master of self-control in an out of self control world until you use the deadlier roads cautiously, carefully, safely and attentively. Pedestrian’s mistakes also contribute to road accident deaths.
The time has come to put an end to this human-induced disaster through special measures such as GIBMA resetting, and the solution must be derived taking GIBMA resetting into consideration.
At the time of emergency and disaster situation, special task force comes into action to provided rescue and relief services to the individuals and victims. During this Road Safety Emergency - The team of Future Changemakers are approaching all individuals across India and empowering them with the philosophy of Mother India Care - Transforming community awareness into preparedness.
Pedestrians must set long range goal to maintain status of Master of self-control in an out of self control world until you use the deadlier roads cautiously, carefully, safely and attentively. Pedestrian’s mistakes also contribute to road accident deaths. The time has come to put an end to this human-induced disaster through special measures such as GIBMA resetting, and the solution must be derived taking GIBMA resetting into consideration.
After a yearlong efforts Mother India Care - MIC constituted and prepared an ultimate solution by considering the root cause and named it as 5F Matrix & GIBMA Kriya, which has been researched, experimented and verified by the Global Wisdom Research Center. Through the 5F Matrix, a set of special measures that uses 4P techniques, via GIBMA Kriya so as to get the desired result. If all road users accept the dare and unlock the deadlock of self-improvement by setting goals to reach well planned destination we can achieve the noble goal. Unless they set the goal disaster is their destination. As per the NCRB Report 155622 people died in road accident deaths in the year 2021 in India which is highest in the history.
MIC has started its signature initiative "EMERGENCY", a national campaign, transforming community awareness into preparedness by presenting self-improvement – National Dare to all road users for GIBMA resetting across India. The team of Future Changemakers are presenting National Dare of Mother India Care to all individuals and all road users must accept the challenge and perform the given simple task which is integrated to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. The road users who have completed the Dare must throw down the dare in their network of family, relatives and friends. Together let us make road journeys safer for every one. |