Any act of committing crimes, violating the law, lying, dishonesty, conspiracy, fraud, cruelty and also causing harm to someone's life, property and character is deposited in the cosmic bank CB Account. You extend help to someone, you increase your CB Account. Just sit down and take a paper and pen and write down all your bad deeds you have committed in the past, this act is taking first step to maintain positive CB Balance . If there is benefit to worldly life in these acts then people will do these acts. 99.9% of the people in the world are living a life after murdering their spiritual life because they hold negative balance in their Cosmic Bank CB Account. They didn't get the real happiness in their whole life and then they do meditation & worship and trying to give a life to a dead. After their death and on the basis of their Karma they get next birth to settle accounts of previous birth in the same cosmos and same planet. People face sorrow and happiness because they have sown the seeds of sorrow or happiness. You reap more than what you have sown, that is the law of sowing and reaping.
Once while walking, Buddha got injured and fell on the ground after hitting a stone lying on the way, then Buddha bowed his head and humbly said thank you, you met me in this birth and our old score is now settled.
Seeds can be sown with the ears and tongue using words, thoughts, & acts, words means spoken and heard. Seeds can be sown through the eyes also so be very careful while speaking, listening & seeing. See only good, speak only good, listen only good, think only good, do only good & be only good.
People know what poison is, it kills, yet some people eat poison because they think that poison can bring peace, poison can eliminate all problems. They think that after committing suicide they will get profit, peace and pleasure. But they do not know that after consuming poison and committing suicide, our soul will have to face more troubles and more unrest. Knowledgeable people only commit mistakes and the punishment is high more them compare to illiterate person because knowledgeable person finds out the loopholes also. If an advocate commits the violation of law then the punishment is high for him.
This is the time to strengthen your 7th sense, also known as your inner intelligence and then set your boundaries and follow your 7th sense instead of following people across the 7 oceans. To get more light and remove darkness from your life you have to add oil to the lamp of your 7th sense which is integrated to road safety because every road user in India has very little oil left in the lamp of 7th sense , it's already been burnt, or the brain fog has covered the light of 7th sense. Refuel or cleanse either way you have to work on the 7th sense and upgrade it to next level.
Darkness has no match with the light but light must be active because in the absence of light darkness is automatic. |