Road Safety Training Program - Closed Room
You learn how to drive metal body but you never learn how to drive human body. You question the rest of the world but you never question yourself. You claim that you are safe in the out of control outside world which is insanity. Everyday around 500 people in India are dying in road accident deaths and they too were claiming the same. You are living in the motored world not in the bullock carts & horse carts. If a machine is not giving desired output then the problem lies in that machine. If human body is not giving desired outcome then the problem lies with in us and we have to solve within in ourselves.
If you use a knife to cut vegetables and fruits then it is okay, if you cause harm to yourself and the people around you then it means that the problem lies within you. It is fine if you hold the handle bar or steering wheel for your safe journey, but when you cause harm to yourself and people around you then it means the problem lies with you. Time to learn how to drive human body.
The plant does not become fruitful by spraying water on the leaves, for that water has to be supplied to the roots of the plant. 7th sense does not become fruitful by spraying wisdom on the superficial intelligence, for that the wisdom has to be supplied to the inner intelligence. Conventional training modules all over the world are supplying knowledge to superficial intelligence level and hence the current situation of road accident deaths is increasing. But Our training module is empowering 7th sense.
7 Pillars Road Safety Training Module (Training Package & Deliverables)
Induction - National Family of Mother India Care Adoption of Preamble of Road Safety Constitution Yoga Sadhna
Road Safety Gibma Kriya (Strengthening 6th Sense & 7th Sense - Superconsciousness & Intuitiveness )***** Supplying the Positive evolutionary psychology superscript to inner intelligence Taking efforts to its melting point Burning Kriya (Destruction ) Neutrality Kriya (Neutralisation) Sowing Kriya ( Installation) Caring Kriya (Integration) Fortune & Legacy Care Kit (For Safe Road Journeys) Road Traffic Rules / Laws Road Traffic Rules / laws. Road Traffic Offences & Fines Road traffic signs and road marking
Sharing the Road Self-discipline
Road Crash Prevention Training Mind Management , Physical fitness & Health Tips Accepting deficiencies to improve efficiencies Diverse road user behavior and deferred gratification Defensive driving Tips Braking in emergency and anti-skid braking Preventive maintenance. Appropriate speed and following proper distance. Factors influencing driving – stress, alcohol, drugs & mobile phone use. Driving under difficult and potentially dangerous conditions – weather, terrain, traffic, visibility. Hazard perception and how to handle others mistakes Intersection approach, overtaking, and moving in lane Use of vehicle reflective stickers Driving / Riding posture Seatbelts Child restraint system
Post Crash Care Training First aid care tips (on crash spot) SOS Call For Ambulance Way to Hospital care
Metal Body & Human Body Care Advice Vehicle Maintenance Tips Health Care Tips Vehicle Insurance Accident Cover Breakdown Assistance Cover
Monitoring, Rewarding, Assessment & Certification Road users assessments Road Users Score Check Impact Analysis Certification
1. Fortune & Legacy Care Kit 2. Wisdom Game 3. Wisdom Reminders Stickers 4. Reflective Band 5. Reflective Sticker 6. Road Sign Chart 7. Wisdom Water Bottle
. ***** Mother India Care is the only organization in the world which is empowering the 7th sense with a special mechanism called Gibma Kriya, which has been scientifically verified by Global Wisdom Research as one of the most important and effective essentials of road safety. |