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National Dare of Mother India Care

 Grand Essential - T - One Lakh employment Opportunity 

It takes time for a seed to germinate, then it takes time for it to become a tree, and the germination time of bamboo tree is 3 years, before it germinates it deepens its roots and then grows rapidly. Bamboo tree does ground work for 3 to 5 years and then grows and similarly every career aspirant has to do ground work to grow, those who do not do so have to struggle and face downfall.


When we come into this world someone spends money and when we leave this world someone spends money. Someone is spending money on our upbringing and education. Because of this free service people have become freeloaders and want everything for free and effortlessly even free money. We expect someone else to do everything for us and we want to live in a cage of comfort. People who live in comfort cages and are freeloaders,  never grow in life and keep struggling for money for their whole life. A plant in concrete pot never becomes fruiting tree.

You will get what you give. If you don't give you will not get. What you have given in your past life you get in this life as free service in the form of your upbringing and education. Remember, in every way you have to work, earn and give and then you will get what you give. You get more than you give and that is the law of giving. Whatever you want to use or consume, you have to pay first and only then you get it. Whatever education, skill and recognition you want to acquire, you have to pay for it before you can get it.

For your growth you must invest money. Westerners have excelled in technoscience because they invest in human capital throughout life. Human capital means education, health, skills, training & recognition. The moment we accept anything for free, the moment we make someone spend money for us, we become comfort-lover and weak. Comfort produces weakness and being weak is useless. Love of comforts and love of freeloading are the crutches in which the majority of people are getting trapped. 

Even for taking the next breath you have to release the previous breath which you have already taken. If you don't release the breath that you have already taken, you can not take. If you want to receive something you have to to give first. Receiving is reserved for those who give. All the values ​​of life have to be paid, only then you can add those values ​​to your life. If you dont sacrifice for what you want, what you want  becomes sacrifice. If you want something for free that means you don't need it. Every value of life must be paid for to add that value into your life. 

The Venezuela is the country that was practicing free goods offer and supply culture in their country and consequently its currency bolivar stands weakest in the world and 1 USD is 3645590 VES and against Indian currency 1 Rupees is 229108 VES

In the digital age, when government jobs are not secure, private jobs are also not secure.  We are providing an opportunity to freshers and empowering them with super social energy. You  can excel your career in any domain either in business or job with the super social energy. Our national thrive program of creating super genius personalities in 360 days is unmatched in the world.  Past is experience, present is experiments and future is expectations,  when use your experience in your experiments to achieve your expectations your experience becomes super experience.


The melting point of iron is 1,538°C and that of gold is 1,064°C and this allows the metal to be turned into good shaped and desired sized objects and jewellery. The melting point of practice to become a super genius personality is 360 days practice count (360 DPC). Your practice / efforts along with our personal guidance provide you with super social energy that transforms you into a super genius personality and a valuable member of our vibrant SGP Club. On completion of the workshop you will get certificate of Super Master Skills. For interns we issue the completion certificate in 180 days.


When water reaches its boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius it turns into steam and enables steam engines to move ahead and cold water cannot. We have to give our 100% in any work and never settle for anything less than that. If you want to move ahead in life then keep your blood boiling, because you cannot move ahead with cold blood.


In a 100 meter race, all the runners complete the same distance but the one who completes the race faster becomes the winner, so the difference to become the winner is hardly a fraction of a second. So to become a winner in the competitive world, make a habit of completing the work before time.


Self-service and social service have to be done together, not that social service is to be done only after earning a lot,  If you don't do social service at your young age, there is no guarantee that you will survive to serve the society till old age. Even if you become the richest person in the world, the world will not respect you, the world respects only those who serve the society.


Real happiness comes only by serving the society and in fact when you help someone in need, that very day you are becoming a human being, before that you are just a human creature. Whoever understands this truth will choose only such work in which there is an opportunity to serve the society as well. After saving precious lives you will be honoured in the next world as well.


When the work itself offers you social service as well as self-service, gets you name and fame, earns you blessings and money, makes you super genius  and also increases your self-worth thru super value addition to your profile, then you cannot afford to miss the opportunity.


If the work involves healing the fortune and legacy of road users, giving you the title of Fortune & Legacy Healer, and getting you lots of blessings from God, then would you consider browsing for another job?. 


Salary is a drug which every employer is giving to their employees to kill their dreams and fulfill the dreams of the employer. Government jobs are not secure and private jobs can never be secure. The employer is the owner of the job and the employee is the servant of the job, the owner of the job can close the job at any time. As long as the purpose of education is to get a job, the society will produce only employees and not entrepreneurs, the society will create unemployment, not employment. Salary can fulfill your needs but not dreams and for that you have to become an entrepreneur.


The future belongs to entrepreneurs not salaried. Therefore after completion of education every person should do the ground work and make his/her connection in the local area which is a super social energy and integrated to common smart goal.  Lack of this super social energy is a common reason for failure of fresher and startups.  Many institutions  are offering theoretical course to build your connections, but people are not able to mobilize contacts. But no one is providing practical course to build your own connections. In fact every student must take this National Thrive Program before starting a career either salaried or self-employed.

Understanding the need of the hour, Mother India Care is the first organization in the world and offering this practical course 360 days wherein we promote noble activities in our workshop to garner connections which is a super social energy. Your network is your net worth.

What if you get paid while mobilising connections? What if the work activity is noble cause ? What if you get divine blessings for doing noble work? What if you get additional 2 more super skills that make you super genius personality? What if you earn certificate of Super Geniius Personality and super master skills? By doing so you are making opportunities to search for you in place of you searching for opportunities. Sounds well ......?


When you apply for a job anywhere, you should ask one question to the employer, what will I become if I work here?


Our answer is by working with us you will earn

A: Super Social Energy (connections count),

B: Super Resilience Energy (Positive Psychology Resilience Count PPRC )  

C: Super Concentration Energy (  Thoughts Transition Per Hour Count TPHC )


With these 3 Super Master Skills you become super genius personality  in addition to your monthly earning. We are empowering individuals and creating super genius personality  with super social energy in 360 days. 


We have creatd one lakh employment opportunities, students, women, adults ex-servicemen can work on partt time full time basis.

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